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Asuka Yakushi
by on October 24, 2024
//Feel free to add an excerpt from your character in the comments if you like! I may choose to feature some of the characters in the comments in an upcoming post from Nar!
Artuo looks up from the table he's cleaning in his restaurant to look over to a booth near the middle of the restaurant. It's the booth that Attack on Mango usually sits at, but lately, they haven't been coming in 3 days a week like they usually do. When they do, it's only 4 of them now. Asuka, Juno, Ruby, and Deena show up, but it's been nearly 2 months since Artuo last saw Nar. When he asked the others about him, all they told him was that he was on a 'personal trip', and wouldn't elaborate. Artuo heaves a sigh as he stands, and moves to the next table. Well, whatever this personal trip is, Artuo hopes Nar makes it back safe, and sound. He's got a new menu item he needs Nar to test out for him.
The bright lights of the Vanhoover nightlife flash by Mandy Fullbright as he limo drives her home from a photo shoot. As she stares out her window, she spots a billboard featuring the members of Attack on Mango, calling them "Vanhoover's #1". A smile begins to form on her lips as she begins to reminisce on the many memories she has with the band. Their many appearances at her parties, her going to their shows, the time she got to perform with them, and even the brunch she shared with Asuka, and Nar all those years ago. She particularly remembers how red Nar's face got when she kissed him on the cheek afterwards. What a cute little goofball. Mandy sighs, and looks at her phone for a few moments. She really should call them soon. They've been pretty quiet for the past two months, so it would be good to check in on them. Whatever the case, she hopes they're doing well.
Steve stands behind the counter of his bar as a few of the regulars drink beer, and watch the hockey game on the big screen behind the bar. His head snaps towards a particular stool as he thinks he hears the sound of his nephew, Nar, laughing. To his dismay, Nar has not spontaneously appeared in his usual seat. In fact, he hasn't come to visit in 2 months now, and he hasn't returned a single call from Steve in that time either. It's starting to make Steve worry. It doesn't help that the only answer his bandmates are giving him when he asks about Nar is that he's on a 'personal trip.' Steve reaches behind the bar, and grabs himself a 'Gruff' brand Root beer. As he cracks it open, he lifts it for a toast towards Nar's stool, and tips it back. Wherever the kid is, Steve hopes he's happy, and healthy.
Hiari steps out of the shower after a rather long day of surveillance. After drying off, and exiting her bathroom, she sits down on the bed of her apartment, and looks to the family photo she has sitting on her nightstand. She particularly stares at her big brother, smiling as he jokingly attempts to push both his little sisters out of the shot. Seeing her family all together, and happy brings a smile to her face. Knowing they'll be waiting for her when she comes home for the holidays is what gives Hiari the strength to keep doing such a dangerous, and demanding job. As she lies down, and prepares for bed, she offers up a quick prayer, hoping to be able to see her family again soon.
Betty Yakushi finds herself in a large, open field. Beyond, she can see Ponyville Elementary School's playground, with the school on the hill behind it. A warm smile comes across her face as she sees her son, Nar, as a young child, playing on one of the playground sets. Her smile is replaced by a look of shock as Nar appears to slip, and hit his head before he tumbles to the ground. Horror grips her heart as her son sits up, and begins to wail, as blood pours from his head. Betty begins to run towards the playground, waving her arms as she frantically calls out to her son. "Nar! Sweetie! Mommy's here! It's okay! Mommy's here!" Yet, no matter how much she runs, she never gets any closer to him. She runs, and calls out to him for what feels like an eternity. Then, Betty is jolted awake to the sight of her husband, gently shaking her. "Dumpling! Are you okay? You seemed to be having quite a terrible nightmare." Betty sits up, and is immediately wrapped into a hug. She weakly returns her husband's hug, and the two sit together in their bed, as Betty begins to sob. "I- I saw Nar, when he was a child. He was on the playground at school, but fell, and hurt himself. No matter how much I ran, or yelled, I never got any closer to him." At this, Kisho tells his wife that he'd had a similar dream. The two remain wrapped in each other's embrace as they begin to pray fervently for the safety, and well being of their son.
All around Asuka is void. For as far as she can see, there is nothing but black abyss. She takes a step forward, but a sudden noise causes her to jolt. A horrific scream echoes through the void. Asuka is stunned as the scream continues. It's full of shock, terror, and agony. Even worse. She recognizes it as her brother's voice. "Nar?" Asuka calls out, but Nar's screams do not cease. Her head darts around, looking for him. Her vision passes over a blur, and she quickly snaps back to it. In the distance, she sees her brother on his knees, doubled over with his hands clutching his head. His mouth is open wide, and his eyes are shut tight, as he screams into the void. He's in immense pain. Asuka can feel it. "Nar!" She screams. Asuka's legs begin to move of their own accord. She breaks out into a sprint towards her brother, as she continues to cry out to him, but to no avail. She runs, and screams over, and over, but Nar never responds, and she never gets any closer to him. Asuka is jolted awake as she's pulled into a tight embrace by her friend, Deena. "It's okay! You're okay!" Deena's voice is urgent, but soft. Asuka does not respond. She simply stands from the embrace, and exits her room. As she does so, she sees Juno, and Ruby doing the same. The three all affirm that they had the exact same dream. At first, they think about a group hug, and maybe a sleepover in the living room, but Asuka insists they check Nar's room first. Together, all four head downstairs, and into the basement. Asuka's heart pounds as she reaches for the doorknob to Nar's room. She slowly opens the door, then flips on the lights. Still empty.
As tears form in Asuka's eyes, she's wrapped into a group hug by Juno.
There, inside Nar's room, the four members of Attack on Mango share a group cry, and pray fervently for their friend's safe return.
Post in: Lore
Topics: dreams, prayers
2 people like this.
//Been meaning to read about this, Curse my ADHD brain! RAHHH. Also don't quite know what Excerpt means ^^;, But this was a good read
Like October 24, 2024
Asuka Yakushi
//More or less, inviting people to comment something from their own character. Though I suppose for characters who aren't exactly friends with Nar, it wouldn't make much sense for them to be wishing him well like the others in the story.
Like October 24, 2024
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Spinneret stared out the window of her hotel room. She had stayed in Vanhoover longer than she'd planned. It was eating into her savings, but that wasn't important to her. The petite changeling looked down at her phone. Nar hadn't responded to her many daily texts asking if he was okay...she clo... View More
Like October 24, 2024