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Asuka Yakushi
by on November 19, 2024
The hunt for a new keyboardist for Attack on Mango was on. The four current members of the band sit behind a desk inside a rented out studio, and wave goodbye to their most recent tryout. So far, every candidate that's come in has either just tried to play covers of their songs, or played some half-assed original composition that usually sucked. At this rate, it looked like it might take weeks before they find their new keyboardist.
With only 10 minutes left before the auditions wrap up for the night, another candidate is let in. She's a pegasus with cotton candy blue fur, and a long, deep blue mane. She looks to be in her early 20's. She wears a graphic t-shirt depicting Mega Man shredding an electric guitar, with a pair of simple sneakers, and blue jeans. So far, the most casually dressed of their candidates.
Nar welcomes her with a smile, and motions for her to approach the keyboard in the middle of the room. "Sorry if we seem a little short with you. It's been a long day. Just give us your name, and you can start whenever." The mare nods slowly. "Scrappy Flats." Before she can begin, Asuka speaks up to ask a question. "Where are you from, Scrappy?" "Canterlot." Juno whistles. "You came a long way just for this audition." He then leans forward in his chair. "What will you do if you don't get the part?" Beads of sweat begin to form on Scrappy's brow, but she takes a deep breath, and re-assures herself. "Well, my grandma lives here, so I'd probably go spend a few days with her before heading back home... I was going to do that regardless." Asuka and Nar nod in approval. Juno relaxes back into his seat. Ruby remains silent.
Scrappy doesn't give them any time to think of more questions. She quickly picks a specific synth on the keyboard, then begins to play a song as the band listens, fairly unenthusiastic at first. After around 10 seconds, Nar, and Juno both begin to sit up. Their eyes open wide with recognition, just as Scrappy begins the main melody of the song. Her right hand plays the melody, while her left plays the bass line.
Nar's lips form a wide smile. "Hey! That's!-" Juno then joins in, as the two speak in unison. "The opening stage theme from Zero 4!" Scrappy continues, but she feels butterflies in her chest at the realization that Nar, and Juno know the song she's covering. "Man! I played the shit out of that as a kid!" Nar nearly shouts. At this, Scrappy just can't help herself. She loses focus as her eyes light up, and her music trails off. "I know! I was born a little too late for the Gamecolt Advance, but I got Zero 4 for my DS as a kid, and I still have the cartridge!" Nar smiles back. "I had it for the OG Gamecolt Advance." Juno smirks, leaning back in his chair. "Yeah, but I had the SP." "Pfffft. Showoff." Nar waves a hand dismissively.
The band shares a few looks, then Juno sits back up. Ruby offers a warm smile. "Well Scrappy, it looks like you'd make a worthy successor." Asuka nods in agreement. Scrappy feels her legs start to give out. Her stomach churns, and she feels lightheaded. Nar rises from his chair, and heads over to help steady her. Back at the table, Juno leans his elbows on it, and places his chin on his hand. "So Scrappy. We have just one question for you. How do you feel about moving to Vanhoover?"
Post in: Lore
Topics: band, audition