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Nar Yakushi
by on January 24, 2025
Day 10.
The last of the evidence has been presented, and closing arguments have been made. Now all that's left, is the verdict.
"The jury will now deliberate."
Judge Vindicant's words prompt the jury to rise from their seats, and be lead into a door at the back of the court room. The courtroom falls silent for some time. Sat at the defense table, Nar's strong, stoic mask finally cracks, and he slumps forward. His head rests on his arms as his eyes shut tight. In the gallery, Asuka sees her brother shudder once, heave, then become largely still. Litigious reaches over to gently pat his back, and reassure him. It's been a tough battle, and it's unlikely Nar won't get a conviction, but he's confident his sentence will be lenient. They did everything the could. All they can hope is that the jury, and Judge Vindicant have mercy on him, and don't send him to the dungeons.
Six hours. For six, torturous hours, the jury deliberates. In that time, many leave the gallery, and return. Asuka, Juno, and Scrappy leave the gallery to get food for themselves, and Cookie. When they return, the jury is still deliberating, and Nar is still slumped in his seat. Neither Betty, nor Kisho ever move. Not to eat, not to use the bathroom, not even to shift in their seats. They are determined to be there for their son for every second. To remind him, he's not alone.
After six hours, the jury finally files back into the courtroom. They take their seats, and Nar sits upright. Judge Vindicant looks to the foreman. "Has the jury reached a verdict?" The foreman, an older pegasus stallion responds. "Yes, Your Honor." Judge Vindicant nods, then turns to face his front. "The jury shall now deliver it's verdict." The foreman clears his throat. "In Canterlot Criminal Case number CHZ418561036, Canterlot vs Yakushi, on the charges of five counts of Aggravated Assault in the Second Degree, the jury finds the defendant-" There's an ever so slight pause. Asuka holds her breath.
"Not guilty."
Nar's eyes widen. Asuka gasps, but keeps her breath bated.
"On the charges of five counts of Assault with a Deadly Weapon, the jury finds the defendant, not guilty."
Litigious Exculpation places a firm hand on his client's shoulder. They may just have done it.
"On the charges of two counts of Grievous Bodily Harm-" The second slight pause feels like an eternity. Asuka's heart nearly beats out of her chest. She clutches her niece tight in her arms, as Juno places a hand on hers.
"Not guilty."
On one side of the courtroom, tears of joy, and hugs of happiness. On the other side, tears of anguish, and hugs of comfort. Asuka wraps her niece in the tightest hug she's ever given anyone, just as she's pulled into a hug by Juno. Tears flow freely as the two celebrate the exoneration of their brother. Beside them, Kisho and Betty share a tight embrace, shedding many tears of their own. On the opposite side, Hiari pulls Scrappy into a side hug. At the defendant's table, Nar's head tilts back, and he stares at the ceiling, mouth open, and tears streaming down his cheeks. Litigious gives him a gentle, reassuring shake of his shoulder.
On the other side of the courtroom, an older mare lets out a heaving sob. She is quickly helped to her feet by two family members, and lead out of the courtroom as her wracking sobs fill the air.
Judge Vindicant's face takes on a much lighter expression, and his eye locks onto Nar.
"Mr. Yakushi, on behalf of the Canterlot Justice System, I would like to sincerely apologize for the treatment you suffered during these last two weeks. You were labeled a violent criminal, and treated as such before guilt was proven. For that, there is no excuse." His face then becomes stern. "I will be calling for a thorough, and complete internal investigation into the actions of Corporal Gallant Lance. That a member of the Canterlot Guard orchestrated an attack on citizens of Equestria is completely unacceptable, and such corruption must be rooted out at all costs!" Judge Vindicant then dramatically slams his gavel one last time. "Court is adjourned!"
Post in: Lore
Topics: court, trial