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by on July 4, 2021
mission log number: 2,137 location: pastel horse world subject: depress horse ...
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by on July 3, 2021
(I just wanted to share a list I made recently describing the differences between my OC Prince Glaciem and some of the canonical cast of the show. If you see any I left out and want to see included feel free to leave a comment." Princess Celestia: Prince Glaciem *A Princess *A Prince *A psudo Mother *A Psudo Father ...
262 views 2 likes
by on July 1, 2021
Canterlot was quiet in the heat of the day. The sun reflected and refracted off the white stone buildings, causing the cobble streets to be nearly unwalkable surfaces. But Spirit didn’t mind this. She’d felt worse, for sure. She had something much more important to deal with than nurse burned hooves today, after all. And she knew she’d not be on the stone for long. She would pause outside of the gate that she needed, before sucking in a deep breath. Canterlot Hills Cemetery. Soon, her hooves we...
247 views 9 likes
by on June 26, 2021
I'm super excited! Well, Starsilk doesn't seem too excited but her expression is probably more along the lines of "it's about time" more than anything 🤭 So, as you might have noticed, Starsilk has evolved into quite some changes throughout the years. I find that doing digital art is not the same for me as drawing on paper. So I've chosen to draw her on paper first and -then- add a digital touch and eureka! Progress. ...
286 views 7 likes
by on June 24, 2021
Name: Stardusk Strider Age: 10 The first night out and about in such a long time. The stallion was beginning to give up the idea of ever seeing the outside world ever again. Of course, it's not how he would have liked to see it: It's the dead of night (around 2 AM), with the streets barren as all the ponies have sheltered up for their rest. This is quite the opposite for his clan, however, as they are most active in the night, to work on keeping the peace in the later hours. He could not re...
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by on June 24, 2021
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by on June 24, 2021
If you wanna :I
222 views 1 like
by on June 24, 2021
I'll keep repping you queen 🙏🏻😔💕 Barb for life
217 views 0 likes
by on June 23, 2021
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by on June 22, 2021
I like hay, I am partially gay, my dog is a stray and you are now my bae. We are here, I am queer, no one will touch your nor my precious beer. I look like a ghost, you look like burnt toast, hope you liked that roast. I hate the kazoo, I hope you do too, guess what? You're the #1 waifu.
233 views 5 likes
by on June 22, 2021
206 views 3 likes
by on June 22, 2021
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