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by on October 30, 2020
Loneliness. It was a subject that Minsa had struggled with for quite some time. Always having family, siblings around, in her younger years it was genuinely difficult for her to find time to be alone. When her father had passed, it had been even harder, trying to provide a solid rock for the family. So many nights she had waited until the others had gone to sleep before going to sit in the field her father had tended to cry. Loneliness wasn’t a concept for her though, even in those moments. Now ...
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by on October 28, 2020
Flam, Being the often busy pony that he was, did not often have the luxury to tour his own park. The great Las Pegasus resort, he barely knew his way around after inheriting it from Gladmane. it was a shame too, as ponies left and right seemed to have so much fun. He sighed, looking down upon his park, before returning to his work, signing documents and reading transcripts about his more troublesome employees. it was all so tiresome and a bit irritating. he wanted to have fun again, go out, and ...
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by on October 27, 2020
We didn't know how far we would go... How far we would go to hurt someone. We were not but kids and yet we tore the life from a normal creature. Someone who didn't have anything to do with it all. ...
253 views 0 likes
by on October 27, 2020
Two people stood outside of a cave, seemingly in the middle of nowhere, the wind howling like a pack of werewolves all around them. Said cave was sealed, covered over by rocks. The woman turned to the man, a questioning look on her face. “What are you thinking, Master Star?” she asked him hopefully. It was clear she yearned for something, some kind of solution, and he hoped he could give it to her. None deserved the fate that had been unleashed upon this poor woman. Star neglected to answer w...
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by on October 26, 2020
The banging of the gavel signaled the trial’s beginning. An old, stern looking mare set the wooden instrument down and sat it by the corner of her podium. “Court is in session. Today, we will discuss he case revolving around decorated knight Glorious Valor and the circumstances leading up to his death. The prime suspect has been apprehended and is in this very room as we speak. Mr. Porter, will the prosecution please introduce the guilty party?” An earth pony stood up, dressed to the negative...
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by on October 23, 2020
So, this story is a working progress and I would love some feedback! It takes place in an alternate universe, where King Sombra has taken over half of Equestria and a war is raging on. Well, I won't spoil too much, just enjoy the first chapter of this. Chapter One “Be careful out there Cakepop, Colonel Dash is running drills out there, so you stay out of her way!” I remember my mother's familiar voice, comforting me when I was a filly. She was the most relaxing pony I ever had the pleasure...
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by on October 22, 2020
This was it... The purest moment. A moment of truth. ...
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by on October 21, 2020
Gravel and dirt shift as an ambulance comes to rest on top of it. Inside the occupants of the vehicle can barely make out the shape of a large manor backlit by the full moon. The lights in the front of the vehicle dissipate as the engine is turned off, leaving the area ahead in darkness. The doors to the vehicle open, and two ponies dressed in EMS uniforms step out. From the driver side, an older earth pony stallion of 36. From the passenger side, a young mare of 22. The doors of the ambulance ...
242 views 4 likes
by on October 21, 2020
Carmine always enjoyed the sand on his hooves. The grainy, loose texture was always a nice antonym to the clodded and clumpy dirt that permeated his childhood. The salty water and the smell of the collective ocean life's toilet did little to entice him, but the sand... the sand was always an enticer. The chill of autumn made swimming nigh unbearable, but the sun beating down on the trillions of sand grains did make the sandy floor nice and warm. He saw something floating off in the distance. ...
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by on October 19, 2020
I can feel a string pulling me in a display case someone built for me. I'm youthful here forever and with that comes beauty and impurity. Dancing in my heart a clock ticks to the same beat. Each beat is a second on the clock and every second the clock beats faster. I dance in excitement over this clock echoeing in my vacant head. Everything had moved from my limbs, all the blood pumping to and back to my heart. The repeated rhythm goes faster. And for that, a heart becomes fragile. Smother it ...
256 views 3 likes
by on October 18, 2020
Two lanterns softly swayed in the darkness, lightening up the way to their destination. No breeze rolled through the hills, a light mist curled and twirled by the corners of the eye. This was no ordinary night, but that information was never given to the young stallions. No, no, no, that would ruin the whole surprise, we wouldn't want that, would we? The colder temperature seeped into the flesh and bones of the smaller one like thousands of thin needles, but none of the others seemed to be re...
209 views 6 likes
by on October 18, 2020
The blood red sky loomed over the graveyard, the last quarter of the sun shining over the tombstone of Wolfe Sheepskin. Flowers and aluminum balloons scattered around the freshly dug mound of dirt. Standing solely at the foot of the grave was a mare, smiling sadly as the autumn wind swept her flowing cherry colored mane. Just three days ago, this was a simple patch of land, unfilled and unmoved, until Wolfe's untimely demise. A large tree branch fell on him during his bi-weekly walk through the ...
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