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by on August 31, 2018
Jump time forward and Princess Luna was banished for her tyranny. The land again shattered and fell into dispute. Princess Luna, although not a favoured leader, definitely had influence over the folk who converted to the nocturnal life. Thieves grew violent in the streets and bandits became merciless as a protest to the loss of their essential goddess. To defend themselves, Snow Storm grew meaner and brutal with the council of her Windigo, Ahote. Snow Storm obeyed because she did not know wh...
432 views 5 likes
by on August 30, 2018
Does any pony remember the time back before life in Equestria was full of equality and nourishment? She remembers. At least.. Vaguely. Back then, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna fought together to defeat Discord, ceasing his tyranny and torment across the realm. Alas, what was left of Equestria resembled a lifeless husk of sadness and decay. The state of farms, to homes, to life itself was almost unthinkable to bring back from Discord's blight. It was only through perseverance and the ...
427 views 7 likes