Changeling Drone
Roleplay Availability
About Me
I feed off of attention. Don't let me starve. =u=
Roleplay Universe
Canon Horse Universe (or whatever else tbh)
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Nitroxus Soulspins Juno
*Nitroxus climbed up the mountain while using some ropes and hooks. He finally made it up where the creature was with a smile. He then passed them a large gift.* Happy Birthday!
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Serendibite had been trying for weeks to catch Juno’s attention. Something about the changeling was intriguing to her. She needed to be friends with her! She had an idea. She’d put up a sign in the fr... View More
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Alas, the changeling fell for the trap like an ant in a glue trap. Only Juno's bait had turquoise frosting!
"I can't believe we've finally got our own DAY. What gives, why'd it take so long?"
Nonchalantly speaking through a bite of cupcake, the changeling leans a wither casually up against a sturd... View More
She beams and stands a bit taller and neater, her stomach concurring by growling a bit and revealing her ulterior motives! Well, her appetite's ulterior motives, anyway.
"Yeah no, I've never cooked in my life. I tend to always be on the other end of that equation, y'know?" She gigglesnorts, owning... View More
September 23, 2023
"That's alright! I can teach you," she said. "Come on, get back here and we'll start!"
Silver would enter the bakery, to try to see how many changelings there would be simply so she could sneer at them.
She only saw one plus a pony behind the counter, but she would sneer anyway "God... fatties..." before she then left as soon as she entered.
Some run of the mill changeling keeps sparing glances at you from across a coffee shop. Her expression is unreadable, for the most part, eyes partly lidded as though pondering something. Each time you... View More
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However... The next time she looked up, She would've found herself the Dragon Rabbit hybrid thingy in front of her. "Something caught Ya'eye!?" She asked before taking a sip of Choco-milk with ice... And Strawberry syrup.
The changeling jumps a little, the recoil of a hoof nearly tipping her latte to one side, before the other hoof sweeps in to stabilize it. She grins abashedly.
"Sorry, uh—y-yeah, actually. I read that staring at random strangers unprompted is a great way to break the ice."
She gives a shrug, muzz... View More
"Breaking the I- What!?, First off. Kinda rude to stare at stranger's, Second. I'm not a Dragon...I'm Part Dragon, Part Rabbit, And part something I can't pronounce if Tia was about to destroy me." She said to them. And one of those was the strangest part.
She would've looked at the Changeling up a... View More
Polo drinks coffee while not use to the taste. He didn't know what to make of the changeling while questions pop in his head. He finishes the cup before ordering expresso.
She just keeps peering over, studiously. They've seen each other before, given their town's relatively small size, but rarely interacted.
Once some time passes, her coffee runs dry... but she continues to loiter, feigning interest in a small, soft-cover book retrieved from the saddlebags in the se... View More
September 3, 2023
He eventually gets up from where he is sitting before walking over. "So, have we meet before?"
"I got a brain-eating amoeba once, poor fella died of hungry."
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Far from enthralled by the din of a small town train station, Juno reclines against the backrest of the crowded bench, fanged muzzle turned down. The neck of a bass guitar, deprived of its carrying ca... View More
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Polo had better days but, today wasn't one of them for he just paid off a shop before a few bricks busted the front windows. The window replacements wouldn't be arriving for a few days so his shop will be closed until the windows are set up. His vest has a few small holes, tares, and burn marks on i... View More
July 17, 2023
At the far end of the platform, the huge stallion slowly made his way up the small wooden steps and looked around. Man, this town was as dead as dead could get but at least the near untouched scenery made these past couple of days tolerable, if only barely. Leon had always hated clients who one, did... View More
"Guess ya gotta park it somewhere..."
The bug pony had been startled awake out of a slight daze, not specifically at Leon's visage, but mostly out of concern for being recognized. With what few fans that Juno had, the last thing she needed was for one of them to be a stalker.
"Sorry, uh. I've sle... View More
"The very same. Gotta say, I'm a little surprised to be seeing a familiar face all the way out here." He spoke softly as he slowly sat himself down on the bench next to Juno, the wooden bench creaking and bowing underneath him as he did, the stallion being cautious to not snap the rotten old thing i... View More
ur spouse a mouse
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"I am gonna take your jacket," Juno tells a completely random pedestrian, while blocking their way on the sidewalk with a wide and dominant stance.
"Say thanks." #rp
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Leon looked around at the onlookers and let out a soft hum of agreement. "Yeah, I know what you mean. Don't get me wrong, I still get weird looks and I mean, how could I not but considering how bad things were back home, it's definitely a welcome change." He spoke as he looked back to the changeling... View More
March 3, 2023
"... whoa. First off, yes PLEASE," she's quick to answer, before standing up a bit straighter and beaming. Her muzzle confessed that genuine empathy wasn't in great abundance on the street.
"Second, uh, I wasn't gonna ask you. For cash, I mean. Usually folks see that I can shape shift into literal... View More
"Let's go then, there's a little place just down the street from here." Leon announced as he began to walk down the street with Juno, mares and stallions making way for the pair as they made their way towards the little coffee shop.
"It's a neat trick, I'm usually a little weary of shapeshifters co... View More
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Changeling Drone