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Flam · Public Relations

Pretentious hors

Male. Born on May 4, 2001
by on May 10, 2024
There are three ways/ interpretations that i like to play as Flam, sort of correlating with a general time in his life.  1. being the more canon version, a sort of pathetic cheat, who is very perceptive and persuasive in what he does. Cowardly, and is willing to cheat you out of something for a bit of profit. This usually takes place before twilights coronation, and a little bit after, and in my opinion is the funnest version of him 2. Walt disney/ Robert house. An innovator and idealist, ...
252 views 3 likes
by on May 8, 2024
Moondancer died today.  It wasnt much of a suprise. She was only holding on by a thread, being a centurian does that to the regular ponies.  . ...
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by on February 15, 2023
Fremserp es majik
302 views 0 likes
by on October 28, 2020
Flam, Being the often busy pony that he was, did not often have the luxury to tour his own park. The great Las Pegasus resort, he barely knew his way around after inheriting it from Gladmane. it was a shame too, as ponies left and right seemed to have so much fun. He sighed, looking down upon his park, before returning to his work, signing documents and reading transcripts about his more troublesome employees. it was all so tiresome and a bit irritating. he wanted to have fun again, go out, and ...
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by on September 10, 2020
The sun rose high over the clouds of Las Pegasus, the bright yellow ball, cresting the various buildings of the metropolis with a large reach. Orange hues met the skies as Flam Flimflam sat at a tea shop of the city, relaxing temporarily, and with slight tiredness before he would begin todays work. He sat back and sighed, wearing an old brown cardigan, and simply taking a break from this fast paced, never-ending life of his. he breathed in for a moment, the fact that he already no doubt, had pil...
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by on May 5, 2020
Dear Princess Celestia, My brother thinks that you don't read these letters, but I trust that you do, after all, I heard that you ready your students letter, I think her name is sunset shimmer, so why wouldn't you read mine? Me and my brother have just moved from dodge junction to here in manehatten after being forced to give away our family farm. It is so much different here, and I don't know how I feel about it. we spent the last of the money we had getting the train tickets, hoping ther...
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by on March 23, 2020
I am seeing so many "out there" and "from another world" charachters. From what i am starting to see, it is less common to have an actual equestrian OC (or canon) than some other world charachter. While i sometimes like them, (especially if done well) sometimes it just gets annoying. They are in a foreign land, one that will initially be afraid of your kind. It may be best if you try to hide your "otherworldliness" and try to act like an equestrian. Kind of like invader zim. Another thing...
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by on February 10, 2020
Dear Princess Celestia, Ma always said that a good leader listens to her ponies. I hope this reaches you because me and my brother really need your help. You see, me and my brother live near dodge junction on one of the apple farms. Im sure you heard what happened after the buffaloes attacked. It killed Ma, and we dont know where Pa went. We really need your help, because we are working really hard! And a scary stallion in a buisness coat says that if we wanna keep the farm, we have to give...
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by on January 18, 2020
This is a planned spoof i had of the mane 6, in the knight wolf timeline. This would include Flam, Foundation of Loyalty ...
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by on January 14, 2020
Now, things have gotten complicated between universes that flam is in, so i decided to clarify them here just to make some sense 1: Main Canon Universe. Everything is normal. Flam is coltfreind to marina. Las pegasus was burned. 2: unity universe ...
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by on July 27, 2019
OP rpers are an annoyance. I think we can all agree that at some point during our time here on CA we have all met one or more rpers who are all powerful 'gods' who cant be beat. While sometimes the best option is to simply ignore them or to ask them to stop, often times that doesnt work, and an rp dies. However, i am here to offer you a few fun ways to screw with op rpers and mary sues. Let us begin with the op rper. If he enters the chat and starts messing up the rp for everyone, someth...
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by on May 14, 2019
It has recently come to my attention that if the mirrorverse is the exact opposite of equestria, and if in the mirrorverse, good is trying to keep evil out of canterlot, this implies that somewhere in canterlot there is a large mass of evil protecting itself. it may just be the politicians, and our shenanigans, but i feel that it is something to note. your loyal subject- Flam flimflam
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