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Greetings, everyone! I hope you are all having a wonderful holiday. Here at Canterlot Avenue, we want to take this time to announce our holiday event for Christmas and New Year. This year we are encouraging users to show their holiday spirit by designing your own tree ornament. You can choose to design your own from scratch, or you are welcomed to use our template that we have provided down below. Alternatively, you can choose to share your new year's resolutions with us in the same forum for this event. The requirements for this part of the event are as follows: -Your post must contain 2 (two) sentences -You must provide some detail of your new year's resolutions You are more than welcomed to do both events if you do so choose. This event will be closing on January 3rd at 12 AM (Midnight) Eastern Time. A beautiful badge will be handed out as soon as possible after the event. We hope that you all enjoy the holidays and we hope that you all have a wonderful new year as well. Happy Holidays!
My New Years resolutions are as follows, first I want to write more as I haven’t been doing it as often and I feel like I have been letting people down who like my stories but have no conclusion. Second I would like to spend more time with my family for the some same reasons as the first, as I have been busy with work and not much else.
My year's resolution is, well not very much different from what it is, work, practice art more cause I'd like to get back into art, have a stable going role-plays and be replying to every role-play that I have, help less fortunate people all around the world, and maybe some little time for myself if I can afford that, but other than that, just being around here.
.Post in Christmas & New Year Event 2019
My new year's resolution is to continue to get better as a person. I want to continue drawing, I want to eat better and be healthier, to be a better friend and lover, to continue to educate myself and learn new skills, to be a better sister and daughter and of course to discover more things. This year I found love and nourished wonderful friendships and these two elements have made this year wonderful for me, it was a year full of good surprises and growth. I can happily say that 2019 was a wholesome year for me, there were rough patches of course, but everything that was good was stronger and has left me feeling satisfied over all. I'm grateful for this year and look forward to the future. <3
.Post in Christmas & New Year Event 2019
I have a few of New Year's Resolutions. This next year I will be working to master the art of conflict resolution. It has been a skill I've started learning as a manager, and it has been a crucial part of my day-to-day life. Second, I will learn to speak at least one more language by the end of 20200. I have Spanish, American Sign Language, Dutch, and Tagalog as my top choices. Lastly, I will get more involved wherever I am. I still have social anxiety and tend to fall back when I get too anxious, so I'll work to confront those anxieties so I can be more outgoing and engaging especially in sites like this one. I've made a lot of progress over the last year, and I intend to keep growing.
Lula Vieve
.Post in Christmas & New Year Event 2019
I'm retyping mine. Have an essay I'm not doing the globe still though, that's too much work. Okay, so I'm gonna be an over achiever here, and just ramble. Like I stated in the first one, my first resolution is to lose weight. I've always struggled with my weight growing up. I finally got the drive to do something after being diagnosed with pre-diabetes. I've been talking to a dietician, and really watching my meals. I've lost 21 lbs. so I'm really excited for the future. I'm finally gonna get my glowup biiiitch. My second resolution. I want to get better with my art. I want to love drawing again!! I've been starting to really enjoy drawing, and I want to keep that up. If I open commissions, I really need to develop a schedule, so I don't burn myself out again. I think taking on so many commissions at a time without drawing for myself really dwindled my love for art. So, I'm going to limit myself to slots, AND give myself days to draw whatever I want. I'm not a robot, and I should be able to take a break for myself. My last resolution? I just want to be happy. I'm going to try and really work on my mental health. I've been trying to motivate myself in taking the first seeing a therapist. It's really scary for me. I have A LOT of baggage that I need to sift through. I'm tired of being angry or depressed all the time. I miss smiling, and really enjoying life. Now for the gooey bits, hey bitches. This year had very many ups and downs, but I can say I wasn't homeless this year. It's been one entire year of having a home. (I left Nebraska to come to Washington for help with housing, and 2 fat ass cats. I'm really living the life.) I really miss my home, the small town I'm in isn't my thing. Okay really really, now to express my appreciation. I hate this site, and I dislike the founder with a fiery passion, but I can say I've met some wonderful people on here. My friend circle is holding strong, and I've made new friends/peers this year. You're all wonderful people, and honestly? You guys make this site super enjoyable. JayJay- you stinky bitch. I love you. Cally- F u. We clicked really fast, you're super cool <3 Lev- You grumpy boy you're a gooder I hope I can make more friends this coming 2020, and I hope you all have a great year. Ofc Honorable mentions for the best people ever: Chubs- I love you so much. We've been friends for so long, and I thrive. You're so good. You keep me sane. You hear this a thousand times everyday, so I have to make sure you know this a thousand times more. I don't think I could survive without you tbh. Phoenix- Hey idiot, I'm glad we're friends. Even if I want to karate chop you in the forehead. I love playing games with you even if I'm not good at them. No matter how much attitude I give you always have retorts, or just tolerate me. I can't thank you enough. I love our arguments, and tbh I just love you. Oni- You're such a sweetheart. I think 2019 is the year I first heard your voice. It made me really happy. I've been waiting literal years to hear your cute voice and I'm not disappointed. I'm so glad you're in our group, and I'm glad you make Phoenix happy. Even if you keep switching your names and roles I will seriously fight you both Zah- Hiiii Zah ♥♥♥ I'm also glad you're apart of this group. I am still spooked by you. You have a very intimidating presence, but I'm really happy you like me because i love you. I like hanging out with you. Medal- We've also been friends for years. I love watching your personal growth, and you're always there when I need to talk. You're so fun to talk to. Literally hours pass by, and it's always surreal when we end up staying up till like 7am. I can't wait to hang out. I've been looking forward to it since you moved closer. I just wanna give you a big hug. Keep kicking ass, and never apologize for being on that grind. Being your friend is just enough for me. Oh yeah, I also got me a girlfriend in 2019. It's my year, huh???? Frosty- HI YOU'RE MY GIRLFRIEND. EVERYONE, FROSTY IF MY IRL GIRLFRIEND. I've been holding that in for a bit, but it feels really nice. I was gonna draw our sonas smooching (i still will), but this is great too. I love you cutes. You're the best, and I'm really happy I can call you my gf. It's gonna be almost a year since we met up time flies :thesobsobdog: I can't wait to live with you. The apple of eye. Even though you don't like movies much I appreciate you watching them with me. If you ever wanna game :eyes: lemme know I'll try for you. iay smooch smooch I can't wait for that moment where all of us can meet up, and hang out. It'll take some time, but I look forward to it. I want to hug all of you!!! Then we can play board games, and just do whatever. That'd be a great time.