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Little Leaf

Female. Lives in  Hollow Shades,  Equestria. Born on December 19
Roleplay Availability
About Me
I mainly respond to PMs, but walls are perfectly valid for roleplays after a discussion!
Roleplay Universe
Adapted Canon
Roleplay Type
Narrative Multi-Paragraph
User Achievements
Entertainment » Fictional Character
Company, Organization, or Institution » Computers/Technology

Status Update

Little Leaf
In an attempt to fit in, Little Leaf does a funny! It goes entirely out of plan and she is left tending to a hurt wing. Was it worth it? Probably not! #rp
2 people like this.
Silver Shield
"Congratulations, you fit in now!"
Like July 14, 2024
Little Leaf
"...Thank you," she responded with a hint of irritation while wrapping a bandage over a section of her wing. "Mm. However, it appears this bone does not."
Like July 15, 2024
Silver Shield
With his attempt at distracting from her pain with humor falling flat, he takes on a bit of a more serious tone. "You will probably want that looked at, if that is the case... may I offer my assistance getting you to a hospital?"
Like July 15, 2024
Little Leaf
The mare takes in a deep breath and shakes her head to politely reject the offer, bringing out the injured wing in a cautious manner. "I... will be fine without going to one, however, assistance to set the break would be greatly appreciated." She turns her muzzle to prod at a part of her limb, at t... View More
Like July 15, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
"...if it makes you feel better, I thought it was funny." Spinneret sat beside her, purring softly.
Like July 15, 2024
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Sprouting Bulb
"...y'know..." Her wings flitted as she looked away, flustered. "...purr."
Like July 15, 2024
Little Leaf
Her head tilted, and she hummed understandingly. "It is an endearing trait, no? Still, I shall respect your wishes," she replied with a sliver of a smile.
Like July 15, 2024
Sprouting Bulb
"...just like that? Huh." Spins paused. "I-I mean, thanks! Thank you, Leaf." She beamed.
Like July 15, 2024
King James Crone
Crone would been wandering aimlessly as he does. No one can explain an ancients mind but it works nearly fifty percent of the time. Either way, this drool making journey would be intereupted by the smell of blood. Equestrian blood has intense magical componets to it but not their skin. It's interes... View More
Like July 15, 2024
Little Leaf
In a way, she might have been too caught up in the moment, in this particular case scraping and leaving a nasty graze of a laceration on the soft meat of her wing. A mild injury in her eyes, and nothing that required a great deal of effort to administer the proper aid. Her ears perked to the voice ... View More
Like July 15, 2024
"That was actually kinda funny. All up until yah mangled your wing. Filly, yah best practice before trying some sort of stunt like that. And, yah know, a cute gal like yah don't need to impress me with funny tricks. Just flirt with me, then yah will fit in nicely~"
Like July 15, 2024
Little Leaf
Should there have been an attempt to distract Little Leaf from the pain, well, Phoenix confused her enough to achieve such an outcome. "No amount of practice would help me, but I did rather well for once. Excluding the recovery, not a great landing," she stated with an exhale. "I did not aim to imp... View More
Like July 15, 2024