Phoenix-Thestral Hibrid
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May fire light thine path!
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Narrative Multi-Paragraph
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The phoenix rose into the night sky. Her flames merely a flicker of her once self, embers to ashes, rust to dust. Flying seemingly in front of the moon, her shadow cast upon the world below. Then, as ... View More
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"... Can I sleep please ?" Ghost Mur'mured softly, Dragging a blanket behind him
October 22, 2024
"No news today. How boring. Everything is boring. Ah'm bored." She proceeded to lay across a tree branch with her legs hanging limpy on each side. "Booooorrreeed."
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He nods approvingly. "A good start. Now, how are you going to go about making things less boring? Surely you will not just passively lay here and accept boredom?"
July 9, 2024
"Oh Come on now~ You haven't even seen them yet! Could always go on a Adventure ?, That gets mine pumping!. Oh and I feel like you might enjoy this Drabbit!" He continued to try convincing them to take up his offer but also respected if they didn't. as Ghost pulled out multiple pillows and blankets ... View More
July 10, 2024
"Fire tastes like strawberries. Don't try it, though. Yah ain't gonna enjoy it. Probably."
This was probably only true to her. Also, why do you want to eat fire?
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Tality chuckles. "Yeah, probably shouldn't say that. I won't eat a black hole, for instance. Or a atomic bomb, or antimatter. But short of that, well, I eat my glasses at the bar every once in a while to freak the bartenders out."
"But you can feed me your heat all day long, hot stuff," Tality flir... View More
June 23, 2024
"Black holes? Atomic what-now? Dang, filly, yah definitely are quite the exotic type. In a world like this, if yah could eat a black hole, ah wouldn't be surprised if these ponies would kneel before yah." She'd chuckle, flicking a fly out of the air with her webbed wing.
"But, for me, entertaining ... View More
June 23, 2024
Tality blushes, caught by surprise, and her speech slurs a bit as its clear she's more than a bit enchanted, "o~hhh my, I thought you were the hot gal here, but if you think so, then I reckon I couldn't look away from your entertainment if I tried."
Feck, infatuation was hitting her hard these days... View More
*Astro was eating fiery hot tacos.* It doesn't take like strawberries at all!
*Nitroxus crouched down and spindash toward the pony. He stopped right in front of the pony and smiled. He then passed over a large gift to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Exiark - Frostfire (feat. Itchigotchi) [Complextro]
Get Anthology on BandCamp:
Get Celestial Planes on BandCamp:
One of the standout tracks fro
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"All this lovey-dovey junk is making me sick. Anyways, wanna make out?"
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"Miss Phoenix! T-This is hardly an appropriate time!! N-Not to mention I'm not ready for such a commitment! I-I hardly know you fully!! W-Where did this come from?!!"
Sister Angelica was in a flustered panic during her prayer in the garden.
May 24, 2024
"I..I..-I...Uhhh...." And she fainted. Too much social confusion and distress all in one moment. Luckily she landed softly on the grass below her.
May 24, 2024
Phoenix raised a brow at this before falling to her back in a fit of raucous laughter, but only for a moment before sitting up and checking on Angelica. What? She was a flirt, but intended no harm. At least she'd stay until the Sister awoke, give her a light pat on the head, a wink, and simply moved... View More
May 24, 2024
"...How in da Hay did you just find my new cottage !?, I HAVEN'T EVEN ANNOUNCED IT!, Well Ms.Aurora should be the only one who would know... and Chloe, and the Kin- Anyway." He'd soon cleared his throat before talking once more. "I never made a out before ?, Only cookies! And no it's not procrastina... View More
May 24, 2024
"To tease or not to tease? That is a question Ah just asked. Who wants it? To be teased? Endlessly. Into embarrassment? By me? Alllll day?"
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"Now, now, don't be saying such foolish things, embarrassing Trrrixie is simply an impossible feat."
May 11, 2024
"Very well, Trixie wishes you a nice day." She grins, swaying her mane dramatically. "But it has to be clear that if we meet again, Trrrixie is not a mare that will easily let you get your way with her, even for a talented charmer such as yourself."
May 14, 2024
She blushes at the mention of Starlight, adjusting her hat carefully. "S- Starlight has nothing to do with this." She mumbles to herself, "Damn you Trixie and your big mouth."
"Starlight is Trixie's best friend, of course Trixie doesn't mind doing what Starlight asks her to, that's what good friend... View More
May 16, 2024
Phoenix has reached a dangerous level of magical reserves. She needs a cool and fun way to burn them off. What should the bat pony do?
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Phoenix-Thestral Hibrid