Dream Vezpyre
How do you quick melee as reinhardt tho?
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Bright Brave
April 1, 2020

Bright Brave
I know.
April 1, 2020

thats my bro for you loving to mess around XD
April 1, 2020

Bright Brave
Love it
April 1, 2020

Medallion Star
Press left mouse button
April 1, 2020

Dream Vezpyre
Quick melee, not primary fire.
April 1, 2020

Medallion Star
That is his quick melee, pressing the melee button does the same thing as his primary fire
April 1, 2020
yo, does anyone want to play comp on PC with a support main? trying to break into diamond and I can't do it alone.
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OH MY GOD! I didn’t know the Archives event was starting so soon! THE NEW SKINS ARE AMAZING!!!!!
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The archives is starting?? Gotta grab me them toxic spammable voicelines stat
That one is so common XDDD I like to spam “SOMEtimes you, SOMEtimes you, SOMEtimes you scare me” as Mercy. Or “so good IT’S! So good IT’S! So good IT’S SCAry!” As Lucio.
March 12, 2020
The best ow news is that the guy who made the horrible stories is finally out of blizzard so there might be hope for the game
Well he made horrible decisicions with the character, like giving sombra a name thats not even mexican to begin with
March 12, 2020
i will *try* to run it if you ever want to attempt :eyes:
but if I get an Xbox or you get a PS4,it’s game time, friends
Tbh my computer crashes randomly when I have played it. And I have very little incentive to sink time into the PC version when none of my skins transfer. It’s so dumb. Someday maybe XD
Overextending is bad... sometimes.
Yeah if you have a Rein who just keeps on running ahead by himself into 6 enemy team players that’s bad.
But when it comes to payload games, if you just killed mo... View More
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The use of spacing and knowing when to advance/retreat is crucial game sense. And the application of those strategies depends on ganemode; defending a payload vs defending a capture point employs different spacing techniques.
I think you're absolutely right on payload attack, keep 3 on payload and... View More
If your OC was to cosplay an Overwatch character, who would it be?
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Hello Tank and DPS mains. Here's a few fun facts that I'm sure most Support mains would love for you to know:
We can't heal through walls, crazy I know! And even if you scream "I need healing" 100 ti... View More
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People who break controllers out of anger should find a more relaxing hobby.
Smash tournaments are their own weird little bubbles of people getting way too invested.
Fair enough! tbh though I’d be okay with healing a whole team of grateful dps players, than having a whiny tank.
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