
"Another rogue, huh? What got you to finally leave the hive?"
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"Do you want a hug?"
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She had so many questions she wanted to ask! But...She decided to ask the most important one first...
"Ya want a cupcake?"
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Brianna smiled at Aki, her wings buzzing like there was no tomorrow. “I love you.”
July 19, 2018
She grinned, nuzzling her, "Aaawww...Wait..." She looked at her, "Hmmmm...Why do you love me? What is it about me?"
July 19, 2018
The changeling smiled again. “I love your laugh. I love your smile. I love your eyes. Everything, really.” She paused, suddenly looking nervous. “...Do you feel the same way? I-it’s okay if you don’t.”
July 19, 2018
"Well, I've...Never fallen in love with a Changeling. But, I mean...It would be kinda neat to play with you some more! See, since I'm...10,000 years old...I don't...Frequent partners...Plus, who would like me?" She giggled, smiling down at her.
July 19, 2018
Um, pardon me but are you lonely?
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Brianna groaned with annoyance at everyone. "Stop flirting with each other, please. And no, I am not lonely. I get plenty of visitors and I travel a lot."
April 23, 2018
Brianna sighed. "You think I've never been flirted with before? Back off, rookie."
How many changeling species are there?
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Brianna tilted her head. "What do you mean by 'reject', exactly?' She asked.
April 16, 2018
"Well, most of them could handle themselves, but the ones who couldn't were either given a Drone or a Sorcery changeling--sometimes multiple ones--to care for them. Originally, Chrysalis simply just sent them out of the hive to fend for themselves, as she saw them as useless, but some of us hive cha... View More
April 17, 2018
Brianna blinked. "...Hmm. Let me think. Okay, so, Chrysalis's hive is the only hive that I've ever actually been to, but I assume that she is not the only changeling queen. There are bound to be different hives somewhere out there, but I'm not sure exactly how many we're talking."
April 20, 2018
Do all changelings have mind control powers or just the Queen?
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"All changelings have the ability to use mind control. There is a spell that can be cast that slowly drains the victim's will the more love is taken from them, similar to what stupid Chrysalis cast on Shining Stupid-Armor. We can also use a quicker form of mind control, but it only lasts about an ho... View More
April 5, 2018
"You'd be surprised who these kind of spells work on." Brianna said.
April 5, 2018
As a changeling I find this raciest!. We all have it.
yes it is. Its like saying all ponies eat hay!
"We all have it, if we take too much love from one pony in too short a time."
April 21, 2018
"wow your queen must have sucked for you to leave them.....may i ask what was the breaking point for you that caused you to leave the life you knew?"
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"It was the 'reformation' of the hive. After all of the changelings learned that Chrysalis was basically starving all of us so she could remain in power, many of us changelings didn't become reformed and teleported away before Thorax gave his stupid little speech. Chrysalis was too weak to protect h... View More
April 21, 2018
"So, old question that probably already had an answer, but... do actually changeling have to feed only on love ? Yes, Love is a strong and nutrient emotion for you, but what about other like anger, jo... View More
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"That's a good question, actually. We can feed on any emotion we want, but love is what we depend on the most because it has the most nutrients and tastes the best. All emotions have different flavors for changelings, for example, hate is sort of coal-like and bitter, so we rarely feed on it unless ... View More
April 20, 2018
"Another rebel changeling, it's surprising how Chrysalis is losing her minions. It was a tough life for them in the hive, probably. But the changelings are interesting creatures for me with their abil... View More
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Brianna nodded. "Yup. This life is definitely better. You don't have to request the queen's permission to out hunting, you don't have to become a multicolored Bambi rip-off, and you can basically do whatever you want."
April 9, 2018
He grins and he said, "Well, I suggest you to spend more time outside and enjoy what is left of your life. Because it won't last when I destroy the most powerful wizard of Equestria, and I will spread my darkness and fears in all of Equestria. And I will become a ruler of this land, and you will hav... View More
April 10, 2018
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