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Publish Date: September 14, 2019
Big City Cop Problems
Fucking shaking a bit. One of those fuck I could use a hug or cry or something. Nearly teared up from fucking stress in my car after I left. We were already 3 shooting victims in with 1 murdered wit... View More
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hey that sounds really scary!! I'm sorry you have to deal with that kinda stuff, you must be hella tough,, take good care of yourself,, I'd give you a hug if I could <3
Like October 23, 2020
Big City Cop Problems
I'm not, but I do feel the hug and I greatly appreciate it ;u;
Like October 23, 2020
tough or not, we're all lucky you're doin your job c: it's not an easy one, and you deserve thanks a hundred times over for doing it anyway and doing it well. <3
Like October 23, 2020
Like Bubblegum said, you deserve a big hug!
Like October 23, 2020
Big City Cop Problems
'mere *hug*
Like October 24, 2020
Carmen Gumshoe
i can’t even imagine that. that’s just a whole level of fucked that’s hard to visualize. i’m bad with words but... i can only hope that you find some peace and give yourself an outlet to let go and process all this. you’re strong. you’ll be okay. c:
Like October 24, 2020
Big City Cop Problems
I try. Alcohol is usually my go to, but this page has been a major player in helping it out of my system. I try to keep it lighthearted and shared jokes or funny calls, but it gets too much sometimes. I just don't like posting stuff like this since it doesn't fit in and like Adrian said, there's kid... View More
Like October 24, 2020 Edited
Silver Shield
this kind of stuff is what needs to be shared. I appreciate that you are willing to.
Like October 24, 2020
Big City Cop Problems
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Vy Thresh
Oh god.. you actually get calls like that? o.o
Like October 23, 2020
Big City Cop Problems
It's usually an animal, they're crazy, or we just missed a paranormal activity
Like October 23, 2020
Vy Thresh
Paranormal shit freaks me out. >~<
Like October 23, 2020
Ice Wisp
It's me in the cellar. Please save me it's weird in here.
Like October 23, 2020
Big City Cop Problems
ANOTHER fucking crash. Another fucking drunk smashed into one of my watch's car. Some old dude driving drunk with 2 children smashed into their patrol car then smashed into another car with children. ... View More
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Big City Cop Problems
People going "Oh they'll be fine, those cars are reinforced" No. No they're fucking not. We can't afford full interceptor. NONE of our cars are full interceptor. Only some of our newer year 2018 and up along with maybe some 2017 have armor plates in passenger/driver door but it's only around the mi... View More
Like October 22, 2020 Edited
Big City Cop Problems
When I get called into Internal Affairs and they say they're not investigating me, I'm just a witness officer
Big City Cop Problems
Having someone walk across 6 lanes of traffic half naked in the dark to me and saying how they have a bomb in their body controlled by the devil and I'm just trying to drink my protein smoothie like
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Big City Cop Problems
Tried kombucha, but didn't like it so I dumped the rest in some bushes before throwing the bottle away. Mfw you can still get a strong smell of vinegar watermelon like stench 40min later Mfw it has... View More
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Big City Cop Problems
All my homies hate kombucha This meme has been brought to you by DrinkGreenTeaNormally Gang
Like October 19, 2020
You sure that that was kombucha
Like October 19, 2020
Big City Cop Problems
It might've been expired but apparently I drank it wrong. You're not supposed to shake it, but motion it around gently.
Like October 19, 2020
Big City Cop Problems
UPDATE The leaves that were covered are currently still glossy. I think they're mutating for vengeance.
Like October 19, 2020
Carmen Gumshoe
do you want some raccoon city bullshit? because this is how you get some raccoon city bullshit
Like October 19, 2020
Big City Cop Problems
Due to cuts a famous and large bar area we have in downtown had no overtime officers. So, over the weekend 7 people were shot and 1 was killed and even more were injured by other means. No idea why t... View More
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Big City Cop Problems
Oh yea and the public motor scooters were outlawed due to a drive-by done on them.
Like October 19, 2020
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Big City Cop Problems
Also the scooter incident isn't related, that was a couple weeks ago. Different shooting, should've said that.
Like October 19, 2020
Zirx the Hound
But still! Rather irrational to bann motor scooters, not only that but having to pass the law so quickly sounds strange.
Like October 19, 2020
Big City Cop Problems
It was a way to make it look like they're doing something. They been wanting to since people throw them around everywhere and leave them in the street. Guess they used the murder as their way of getting rid of an unrelated problem.
Like October 19, 2020
Big City Cop Problems
Burglary in progress call comes in Dispatch: The caller said the suspect does have a weapon, but when the call center asked how the caller knew the caller stated "don't worry about it"
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Big City Cop Problems
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Zirx the Hound
Like October 18, 2020
Bright Brave
Like October 18, 2020
Big City Cop Problems
While going lights and sirens (code) at a HIGH rate of speed through a green light going to an Officer Assist, a car ran through a red and T Boned the officers car. It fucking DECIMATED the front of t... View More
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