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General Autumn

Female. Lives in Manehatten,  Equestria. Born on April 19, 1994
Pony-Wolf-Vampire hybrid
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Universe
Equestria non canon
Roleplay Type
Narrative Multi-Paragraph
User Achievements
Artist, Band or Public Figure » Artist
The Castle
172 Members

Status Update

General Autumn
Autumn glares at you, "You lack discipline, I would offer to train you but you do not seem strong enough to survive it," she says then walks off.
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Lord Somber
Well so much for reading a book in peace. The very little off time the King has, spoiled by another's opinions. "The arrogance of ponies. Truly amazes me." He would mumble as went back to reading, attempting to ignore the one that spoke.
Like October 13, 2022
General Autumn
"My king spoke highly of you, he is rarely incorrect about his appraisal of others, but I fear his has misjudged you," she says simply
Like October 13, 2022
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
*I raise an eyebrow.* Considering I actually fight villains on a regular basis AND have saved the cartoon universe from catastrophic events... Thrice... I think I can handle it.
Like October 13, 2022
General Autumn
"Stickman, you may indeed perhaps survive, however I still cant help but wonder how an existence such as you can live, you are simply just ink, do you feel things? Such as pain, love, hate? Can you procreate?" she asks, her scientific side coming out
Like October 13, 2022
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
I... can indeed feel things. And yes, I can procreate. *I raise an eyebrow to that particular part.*
Like October 13, 2022
Knight Wolf
"Autumn what did I tell you about rude remarks to strangers?" Knight says as he knocks her on the head.
Like October 13, 2022
General Autumn
"Ow.... my apologies," she says holding her head
Like October 13, 2022
Not strong enough to survive?? Excuse me? I'm already dead
Like October 13, 2022
General Autumn
"Then you have already failed," she says
Like October 13, 2022