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Bright Brave Axiom Crash
Happy birthday.
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So I just dove into roleplaying here something like 15 hours ago, and it finally just hit me that I should actually introduce myself in an out-of-character way. I blame sleep deprivation.
Hi! I've be... View More
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A lot of people on here have social anxiety. Approaching people being difficult even online.
That said, most of us aren't prickly or anything. Just go out there and start friending potential rpers and be sure to read any potential rules; you fit in just fine. I do action horror, monster based rp, ... View More
Thanks so much! My greatest fear has always been being a net negative presence to any roleplaying group I've joined. My college experiences were ... incredibly destructive to my self-esteem. It didn't help that my group kept bringing up Something Positive's dnd strips all the time, causing me to kee... View More
March 18, 2024
So yeah, it's a struggle. I did a lot of tabletop roleplay, which is easier, since I get more immediate feedback on whether or not I'm on the track, and worse because I express myself so much better in writing.
But of course, in text, I keep wondering if the other person is only roleplaying with me... View More
Don't worry about it. We're all glad to have you here! There's never such thing as too late to join the herd. I go around as Yearling sometimes, others I'll be Honey Seep, but one of my more active characters on here is Star Hope. I tend to dive deep when it comes to rp and hardly ever break charact... View More
March 19, 2024
Thank you! I'm starting to level out a bit more, and trying to think about how to bring in some of the other characters I've got ideas for. Mostly the image is the thing that's holding me back, not just because I don't have the art skills myself yet, but also just because I find it hard to be satisf... View More
March 19, 2024
I could actually recommend something to you for images of your characters. PonyTown is a good place to make your characters on and take screenshots of them. I honestly find it a lot more detailing than some pony maker sites out there, so I use it for characters I don't really have any art for. It's ... View More
March 19, 2024
"Finally got my own place," Axiom Crash says proudly to himself as he finishes nailing up the banner across the front of his home, which says in big letters "Welcome Me Party."
He scratches his head a... View More
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Axiom wakes up for a minute, feeling a disturbance in the force. Did he forget foals exist again? He turns his head to the side and spots the filly looking at him. "Di-a-what?" he tries to repeat, trying to concentrate through the fog. "...oh diagnosis, okay..." His foggy mind struggles to put toget... View More
"Hay, I'm not 'anomalously' tiny! This is a perfectly normal size for a mare! I'm a good head taller than the average schoolfilly!" Sprout chuckled and finished off her beer. "You got a recycling bin yet, by the way? I don't wanna leave your house as a mess."
"But creating a paradox...I wonder... View More
March 17, 2024
"Oh yeah here under the sink, I'll just pull it out for now." He pulls out his blue recycling bin and leaves it in a visible place under one of the tables.
"Well, let's see, in my theories, there's nine fundamental paradoxes ... well I've documented hundreds more than that at this point, but anywho,... View More
Sprout tossed her can into the recycling bin. "Changelings can use it? Interesting...what could changelings do with it? Could they, say, copy the magic of what they changed into? If such a changeling changed into Princess Celestia...would they be able to control the sun?" She gasped in exciteme... View More
March 17, 2024
"Oh, sure. I've got handouts from every lecture I've ever done, at the very least." *He steps upstairs to his home office for a minute and comes back with a spiral-bound copy of his collated lecture materials.* "It's not all of my research, but it's what I've felt safe to publish. If you can wrap yo... View More
March 17, 2024
"Oh, sure! It's kind of cheeky game, that one. But yes, I've got one here, had it since I was a foal, actually." He gingerly pulls out a beaten up box from the shelf, clearly a game that has been well-loved over the years.
He chuckles as he opens the box and sets the game up. "I used to just play wi... View More
Sprout giggled at the state of some of the pieces as she set up her ships and grabbed her pegs. "Adorable. I never really had toys or board games as a foal, so...usually I just spent time talking with my friends. I miss them..." She looked down sadly. "...sorry, it's just...Canterlot reminds me... View More
March 17, 2024
Axiom Crash smiles sadly, "wow, that sounds awful. I didn't have a lot of friends growing up, but the ones I had were ... I don't know if I could say close, but we had a lot in common. I've made plenty of friends here in Canterlot, but ... it sounds like you were pretty close-knit. I'm not really su... View More
March 17, 2024
Axiom Crash smiles sadly, "wow, that sounds awful. I didn't have a lot of friends growing up, but the ones I had were ... I don't know if I could say close, but we had a lot in common. I've made plenty of friends here in Canterlot, but ... it sounds like you were pretty close-knit. I'm not really su... View More
((I'm just using a spreadsheet, lul, don't have an actual copy myself))
"Oh, hmm ... " Axiom thinks to himself. "I mean, I guess there's some confessions I could make, some things I've never told anypony else ... yeah, I already know the first one."
"Miss, H-3"
March 17, 2024
"Miss, F-5"
((Maybe we should do a few 5-shot salvoes, just so this doesn't take so long? We can still do extra shots for hits. You went first.))
"G4 and H4 are hits, and that sinks my frigate! Good job." He puts a second red peg up on the top of his board.
"The rest are misses, and you've got two more shots."
"Yeah, meeting an alien would be nice, for a change, actually. I've only ever run into threats from this world, from a long time ago... View More
March 18, 2024
((sure! Thanks for rping with me so much tonight. It's been incredible. :D I hope you've had fun, too! I'm gonna add a little bit more since it was just a bunch of exposition without any real emotional weight behind it.))
Axiom Crash takes a while to process his own emotional reaction to that story... View More
*Nitroxus would float down from a large green bubble. Upon landing, it popped and he bowed. With a smile, he would introduce himself.* Good Joy to you! Welcome to this magical realm, I really hope you... View More
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"Oh, really? Huh." He says with a slightly surprised expression, before he steps back.
He considers for a moment. "I guess I was just feeling incredibly lonely, and I was just overjoyed not to be rejected outright."
And looking up and to the left, and nods to himself. "And yes, I don't have much of ... View More
March 19, 2024
That is ironic. I have an incredible sense of self-perseveration. Massive paranoia. I'm glad that I can still be helpful today. So, what's your name by the way?
March 19, 2024
Ah! Right, I'm Axiom Crash, my special talent is paradox magic, for which I was gifted with a mind that thinks in paradoxical logic. It's umm ... a lot like math, but even harder -- for most ponies, but not for me.
The theory goes that magic originally comes from our universe's fundamental mechanics... View More
March 20, 2024
Seem like you have your work cut out for you. Wait, you patched reality itself? How?
March 20, 2024
With two-hundred ninety-six thousand and forty-seven chained paradox spells. Think of it like assembly programming, but instead of working with numbers and mathematical and addition and multiplication and etcetera, you're working with paradoxes and inversions, confluxes, convergences and so on. It s... View More
April 1, 2024
*Sling would blink.* I feel like this knowledge would either crush my brother's Nitroxus's mind. Or make him even more paranoid.... So much magic.
April 2, 2024

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