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Just a heads up, I don't check this account that often, you're more likely to get in touch with me on Novaya.
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Narrative Multi-Paragraph
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"So tell me, what's the coolest thing about you? Like, what's your go-to thing when you really wanna flex?" #rp
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Phoenix Wind
"I guess I'd literally flex.... that or I'm a good dad"
January 18, 2022

Fickle Mizzle
"A pretty mediocre answer... but not the worst I've gotten" Fickle admitted with a shrug.
January 18, 2022

The Ghostling would simply pick up a small rock, and threw it to the air before IT exploded Similar to a Firework!... Well Technically a Rockwork.
"That and I got Ghost abilites."
January 18, 2022

Fickle Mizzle
"I don't know what 'ghost abilities' entails and I don't think I want to either." Fickle looked at him with much scepticism. "Cool trick with that rock though."
January 18, 2022

"You know... What You mostly see Ghost use and such, As you can see from my floating ?" Said the Ghostling since he was currently Floating... And also pulled a Tray of cookies out of thin air.
January 18, 2022

The Outsider
The husk holds still for a moment, and the vines that tangle its draping mane suddenly begin to blossom. Passionfruit flowers sprout and grow to their full size in the spam of seconds, but they're bound to whither and turn into ashes just as quickly as they came into being. "A weird flex.." It mumbl... View More
January 18, 2022

Fickle Mizzle
For once Fickle was at a loss for words and just kinda... watched it happen.
January 18, 2022

The shire looked over her with a cock of his eyebrow, letting out an annoyed sigh as he unzipped his bomber jacket and pulled it to one side, showing off his augmented torso with his heart visible in a glass container behind a pair of dark metal ribs and black synthetic lungs.
"There you go, drink ... View More
January 24, 2022
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Artist, Roleplayer