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Rookie journalist/reporter on the search of his first big story to sell!
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Nitroxus Soulspins Flash Wilson
*Nitroxus spun like a top toward the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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It had been two days since Flash had accidentally glued himself to the park bench. He'd finished his cup of coffee within the first hour of being trapped and had a horrible case of coffee breath plagu... View More
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Flash tries to protest his innocence, but he, and the bench, are cuffed and hauled off to jail!
Flash has been following you around all day, trying to be discreet as he takes pictures and speaks softly into a small cassette recorder.
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Gray was sitting at a restaurant eating garlic bread sticks. That was all he wanted to do, to have a tranquil evening by himself. But he couldn't even have that. He chews angrily on a piece of bread as Flash documents his mediocrely average daily life.
"Gray Rivers. Actor, preformer, garlic bread lover? But not just any garlic bread, but bread sticks. How deep does his love of garlic go? What other secrets is he hiding? My investigation has only begun, but so far the findings have been promising." Flash mutters into his recorder from the safety of... View More
Gray turns around with his mouth full. He’s unable to speak, temporarily, but that doesn’t stop him from nudging at the bush with a leg. “You’re too loud, genius.” He mumbles, muffled by the pieces of bread he had yet to swallow.
July 31, 2021
Flash snaps a good picture of Gray with his mouth full of food, then freezes once he realizes he's been had! "Note, Gray seems to process very good hearing, yet never seems to hear his phone ringing when I call him. Most odd!" Flash says into his recorder.
July 31, 2021
Star was chasing his own tail.
Was it because it's something he does on the regular, or rather because he knows he's being watched? That's the real mystery.
"Stardust has been chasing his own tail for sometime. This raises many concerning questions, and I need answers. Only time can tell. How long can he keep this up, I wonder?" Flash speaks into his mic as his head spinning as he watches.
Sir Heliolite had been lazily walking around town, not in any particular rush to be anywhere, or without an end destinaton as it seemed anyway, but the sleek unicorns horn had been aglow since Flash began following, a coincidence? Maybe but one would have to break cover to find out.
July 31, 2021
Flash kindly invites you to be a guest on his podcast, then passively roasts you the entire time.
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Flash will wake up the day after the podcast airs to find an angry mob of Mandy's fans ready to burn him at the stake for his blasphemy.
She does not endorse their actions. They just wouldn't listen to her pleas to stop.
Flash retreats to his panic tunnel, that leads to his panic building, which contains his panic room! Sitting on the panic couch, Flash opens a panic beer and waits panickingly.
Icy wasn't sure why she came. Maybe just to talk to someone? Maybe to get out of her house for a day for once? Either way, the reclusive inventor did come out. But once she was there, she really regretted it. "Why, uh... H-how did you... Why am I here?"
Icy blushed cyan and looked down, embarrased. "I-uh... Is that how normal doors work?"
July 30, 2021
"Usually you pull when it says pull, and vice versa." Flash says nodding his head.
July 30, 2021
"But the door didn't say anything..." She obviously completely misunderstood. "Doors don't talk, right?"
Silver happily rolls with every roast, since he has no real reason to be offended by any of them, and instead fed Flash a constant stream of easily roast-able content about himself.
Flash nods his head slowly. "It's small. Too small. Does it even work?"
"It works great! I can generate a few tiny sparks anytime I want!"
"No problem peanut butter, oh, that is your name right? PB, short for peanut butter?"
July 30, 2021
Flash catches you out doing some really cringing stuff and takes a picture of it. "Caught you in the act!"
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Was rolling in a carpet of grass, flowers and daisies, undignified with some of them in her mouth, belly up before catching him with the camera.
"You better not spread that image...." >:c
"Huh?" Flash asked, looking from his laptop where he was most certainly uploading that image to a cringe compilation. "Oh yeah, for sure, don't worry about.. and uploaded!"
Hears the beeping from the upload and flaps her wings at him, "Nuuuuuuuuuu"
Flash pulls out an umbrella and starts opening and closing it at her! "Shoo! Back!"
Icy was in the process of trying to walk /through/ a door, expecting it to open on it's own, and every time she ran into it she just looked more and more confused.
Clearly she had spent far too little time around /mainstream/ Equestrian tech and far too much time around her own tech.
Flash just sat there snapping photo after photo before just putting it on record and sat back. Honestly he felt a little bad just watching the mare struggle with a door!
July 29, 2021
Icy kept this up for another hour before she finally had enough and just turned it to ice, walked through, and turned it back. Only to walk /back/ out once she realized she didn't have any bits to buy candy, just kind of sadly walking back down the path to the EVerfree.
July 29, 2021
Flash had to take a moment to collect himself after all of that, his hooves clasped tightly together. "Holy crap.. someone ought to do something to help her.. " He mutters, shaking his head as he watched Icy leave. "This is now an awareness campaign."
July 29, 2021
Silver is currently attempting to drink his tea without use of magic.
It turns out to be VERY DIFFICULT
Flash makes sure to turn on the camera's flash and aim it directly at Silver's face as he takes pictures of the unicorn struggling.
(( This is definitely a moment Starr would like recorded c: ))
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*Nitroxus bounced on a pogo stick toward the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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