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Female. Lives in  Baltimare,  Equestria. Born on January 27, 2003
Roleplay Availability
About Me
Just to put this out there, the art for my profile pic isn't mine nor did I create it. If the artist would like me to change it then I'll be more than happy to do so :D
I'm Mare, the Mare whos' into Mares. I do things
am mainly on discord, oopsy. you can message me if you want that
User Achievements
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would beam down from a green laser from the sky. He smiled and bowed. He would then pass a very large gift to them.* Happy Birthday to you friend!
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus crouched down and spindash toward the pony. He stopped right in front of the pony and smiled. He then passed over a large gift to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Captain Sky N Nova
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Rough Winds
Like March 10, 2023
Like March 11, 2023
Vanil is FEMALE HORSE. What might she receive?
Like March 11, 2023
She shall receive a hug and a 20 bit gift card to Starbucks
Like March 11, 2023
"Hello! I'd like to purchase one alcohol please!" With that said, Mare would put a few bits on the counter.
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Creamy Eclair
"Can I see an ID first?" I ask a standing behind the counter with a smile
Like March 9, 2023
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The small mare named Mare rubs the back of her head with a hoof in thought. Rats. That was her only form of ID she had; it seems as though she'd have to give up her search of the fabled Alcohol for now. "Instead of one alcohol, can I get a soda or orange juice?"
Like March 9, 2023
Creamy Eclair
With a nod I turn around and make you a nice glass of orange juice my tail tied up in a bun wiggling a bit as I spin back around with the glass in hoof and slide if over to you with a smile "let me know if you wish for anything else"
Like March 9, 2023
"Thanks Ma'am." She'd reply, now trying to make her way up onto the barstool. Though it proved a harder task, if only she had wings and she could just fly up there! Teleportation would be cool too. Maybe even better hoof strength? Higher jumping capabilities? Really, anything of that sort would help... View More
Like March 9, 2023
Stardusk Strider
"ma'am, this is a potion shop." Stardusk proclaims with a hint of annoyance in his voice.
Like March 9, 2023
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus jumps out of his hot air balloon and parachute down to the ground. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Question for you guys. How do you guys deal with not having things be perfect/imperfections? Let's say... Character creation, art, writing, generally anything along those lines. It could even be thi... View More
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Real people are imperfect. A person who is completely perfect is very mary sue-ish and boring.
Like December 14, 2022
Trip Wire
Sometimes you just have to mechanically force yourself to use a character you’re not completely satisfied with until they grow on you. I’ve found that -at least in my experience- OCs are a bit like new shoes/jeans. They’re though and a bit uncomfortable in the beginning… but with continuous use you... View More
Like December 14, 2022
nothing is ever perfect. my strategy is to keep working on something until it’s complete without editing, leave it alone for anywhere from a day to a week, and then come back to look at it freshly, so I can differentiate what needs to be changed from what isn’t completely flawless. thing is, everyth... View More
Like December 14, 2022
From a fellow perfectionist, I hate fall. I love the season. The weather is perfect, the trees are pretty, it hosts my birthday and all my favorite holidays. But every square inch of my property is covered by trees. The amount of leaves I have to clean up is insane. I get up every single leaf, make... View More
Like December 14, 2022
Tis the season to be...! Joyous! To fit the season, Mare decided to take up bell ringing for a nonprofit organization. Happy times! Mare gets to ring a bell at ponies who hopefully don't find it too... View More
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Charlie Blaze
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im ded
Like August 19, 2022
Charlie Blaze
omg rip
Like August 19, 2022
back to being dead ok
Like August 20, 2022
giO GiO
M a r e
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shared a photo
Mare is disappointed at... something, not sure what.
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Captain Sky N Nova
Like July 9, 2021
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