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Shaded Arcana

Male. Lives in Travelling,  Equestria.
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Shaded Arcana
Shaded Arcana
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Icy Creation
(First solo writing in ages, so I kind of held back on the length and everything. Further parts will be more... Just kind of more in general. Hopefully. First part of Verdant's rebranding though! Here it is!)
Like November 16, 2024
Can't wait to read more of them! and possibly Rp with them with either Flem, Ghostie, or even Mimi!
Like November 16, 2024
Shaded Arcana
(A buildup to Verdant's rebranding. #rp just if you want to interact, this isn't really built to be interacted with though.) The centuries old dark mage blinks as he awakes on the side of the path. A ... View More
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Dr. Normodd
Unbeknownst to the stranger, Reiner was definitely way in the background being abducted by a flock of birds. Third time this week! Oh, isn't Odd a quirky lil pomeranian, getting dognapped like that?
Like October 25, 2024
Shaded Arcana
#rp An ominous pony in a dark green cloak sits by the side of the road, beside an equally ominous tent of black crystal. But, compared to his ominous surroundings and self, he's cheerfully waving to p... View More
Shaded Arcana
Icy Creation/Light Show/Purple speaking here This character is going to be reworked and put into use, as my third native Equestrian and second stallion. So look forward to a fun dark magic pon at som... View More
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Shaded Arcana
Speaking of which, new design already. Was surprisingly easy. Lore and such will be less quick and easy.
Like December 29, 2023
Shaded Arcana
"Darkness should only thrive if it shunts the darkness beneath."
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Shaded Arcana
shared a few photos
(This is what Verdant's corrupted form, Verdant Black, looks like now.)
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Shaded Arcana
shared a few photos
(This is what Verdant now looks like.)
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Shaded Arcana
(Ere you go. Have some images of Verdant.)
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Shaded Arcana
(Despite the fact that Aldrasion/Verdant isn't designed as a combat character- actually quite likely to just completely abandon fights he knows he can't win, or that he simply dosen't want to deal wit... View More
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