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Other. Lives in  Beyond Equestria. Born on July 21, 1993
Sea Dragon
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The Castle
172 Members
Nitroxas Soulspins
*Nitroxus would slide in while shredding on a guitar. He smiled to the sea dragon. He then would pass a large gift.* Happy Birthday to you!
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Nitroxas Soulspins
*Nitroxus rode on the back of a large moving rock that was moving toward the sea dragon. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Agwe was wearing a conical birthday hat. "If you wear this, ponies just come up to you and wish you a happy birthday! Some even give you stuff! It's not even my birthday!" #rp
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Comp hugs him tightly.
Like January 6, 2022
Agwe was wearing a really big T-shirt that said "I'M WITH STUPID", featuring a big arrow pointing to the right. Beneath the arrow was very small text saying "We really hit it off and have been going s... View More
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Bright Brave
Chow stood to the left.
Like August 26, 2021
Vanil is busy stuffing her face with cotton candy twinkies beside Agwé. Printed on her sugar-stained t-shirt is an arrow pointing to the right, with the text "I'm with Big. Collosal. Huge even."
Like August 27, 2021
You hire a "pool pony" to clean your pool on alternating week days but a 7 foot tall sea dragon shows up. What do you do?
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Zero The Ermine
Zero lives in a tree so he has no clue what the sea dragon was doing here.
Like July 29, 2021
Princess Silky ❤
Couldn't help but gawk at the giant being, but would blink cluelessly as she allowed it to happen anyway. Was he an imposter? Who knew. At least he was actually cleaning it...
Like July 29, 2021
Agwe was swimming around under the surface, scrubbing the stains and picking up debris. Very fast compared to what a pony could do.
Like July 29, 2021
Princess Silky ❤
Her gaze would follow his movement with deep fascination. She never realized how graceful a dragon could be in the water. Especially in a pool. Her pool. She didn't even know she had a pool. It was probably a hole her pet, Sting, had dug up in the back yard and maybe he decorated it, filled it with... View More
Like July 29, 2021
Agwe was basically just using this as an excuse to go for a swim.
Like July 29, 2021
Lord Sting, master of Toonforce
"Get out of my soup you overgrown lizard with swimming issues!"
Like July 29, 2021
Agwe was busy consuming.
Like July 29, 2021
Lord Sting, master of Toonforce
Looks like they put extra meat in my soup again
Like July 30, 2021
Agwe drop-kicked a pumpkin.
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Ice Wisp
Little did Agwe know that Ice was sleeping inside the pumpkin.
Like July 29, 2021
"Gosh! Can you imagine having hooves? Yikes, right? No digits for grabbing? No way to truly gesticulate? Other reasons I'm not legally allowed to discuss at this time? Must really be a downer! What a ... View More
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Adrien Agreste
Luckily I don't have h o o v e s >:3
Like July 27, 2021
T Kid
Hah! I has pawsss! UwU
Like July 27, 2021
"Yer a big lad with a wee brain, aren't ya? Pegasi wings are basically hands,whuch I admit is a weird function for something consisting mostly of feathers. Earth differently. Nobody knows how they grab things with a hoof, but they do, and it'll probably stay a question for eons to come... View More
Like July 27, 2021
Like July 27, 2021
Princess Silky ❤
As if to further prove Vanil's point, Starsilk would give a friendly wave to the dragon with the tip of her wing, which momentarily acted as a hand before retracting back.
Like July 27, 2021
Ha! I got moldable limbs! I could make hands if i wanted to but it'd look hella awkward!
Like July 27, 2021
Nitroxas Soulspins
*Nitroxus rode on the back of a large moving rock that was moving toward the sea dragon. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Agwe held a big pillow case that was shaking and buzzing. "Listen, I know we got off on the wrong foot with the whole 45,000 different species of spiders, but you're gonna wanna see this!"
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Ice Wisp
Ice sobs and shakes his head.
Like June 18, 2021
Polo Fastter
polo grab a flame thrower and said "don't even open that bag"
Like June 18, 2021
"OKAY, know how theres more than 45,000 known species of spiders?" Agwe began before inhaling sharply. "Well, don't be mad but I got one of each different kind of spider to show you because I... View More
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Polo Fastter
five minutes later polo house was on fire.
Like June 18, 2021 Edited
The Outsider
"The house will eat them if Blank doesn't do it first."
Like June 18, 2021
Dr. Lilith Sawbones
“You do know that dragon bones *do* have a melting point, right? It’s just exceedingly high, no scientist has ever really discovered what the melting point is.” Sawbones paused, stating grimly. “I think I would like to find that today, young dragon.”
Like June 18, 2021
Agwe shuffled away.
Like June 18, 2021
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