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Ask A Teacher!
Repeat after me: Changing three or four words of a quote is NOT paraphrasing.
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Stardusk Strider
Psh, I'll just say I said it in the bibliography. I am a genus after all!
Like August 29, 2019
Commander Wyatt Ryder
"Abby is bae." - Me, just now.
Like August 29, 2019
Lula Vieve
In order to parapharase you can't just change 3 or 4 words. smh mh
Like August 29, 2019
Fat F
Like August 29, 2019
Lula Vieve
I'm dropping out of this school too >:'(((
Like August 29, 2019
Bright Brave
So five. Got it.
Like August 29, 2019
Ask A Teacher!
Panicking cause your laptop shuts down and you have nothing backed up, on Monday morning, is today's mood. Have a nice week kiddos!
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Commander Wyatt Ryder
FUN!!! Good luck tho Ms. Amazing Teacher Person!
Like August 26, 2019
Ask A Teacher!
Teacher: -puts a do not disturb sign on door while meditating- Students:
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Commander Wyatt Ryder
Abby, cradling a bottle of beer and sobbing is NOT meditating. We've discussed this.
Like August 16, 2019
You know what I asked you exactly jack shit you bellend why don't you go drop off a pier
Like August 16, 2019
Commander Wyatt Ryder
Because you'd fucking miss me bitch and I ain't having no sad Abbys
Like August 16, 2019
Dream Vezpyre
Abby, excessively eating does not count as a a valid mediating method. We've discussed this.
Like August 16, 2019
Me and my thighs call your bluff step OFF
Like August 16, 2019
Abby, paper is not a deterent
Like August 16, 2019
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Like August 16, 2019
They didnt have detention in my schools. You a problem? Stay in a room and do nothing (or study) for a few hours a day. Make up your work when you done your time
Like August 16, 2019
Ephemeria Spring
sounds like terrible schools to me >:c
Like August 16, 2019
Teddy Bear
okay this is silly but, do teachers who form romantic relationships actually happen + do they have to keep it secret because me and my classmates ship our two history teachers because they've been see... View More
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Of course faculty romance happens and is allowed! HOWEVER it has to be handled very carefully because you're 100% right-it can look pretty bad and students can take things out of context! And let's be honest, it's 2019, kiddos will search the social media of every teacher they can, good luck keepin... View More
Like August 15, 2019
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Omg me
Like August 15, 2019
Commander Wyatt Ryder
Following you on social media would like make my life :joy: Sgt: WE'RE IN A FIREFIGHT, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?! "Chill bro, Abby just posted some dope ass shit."
Like August 15, 2019
This is as good as it gets. The anonymity of Horse Drama Site allows me to make my finest posts. The only thing better than this was my tumblr and that shit got dark lmao
Like August 15, 2019
Ask A Teacher!
Teacher life is getting told that you're not getting blinds for your new windows until January when your poor students are getting blinded by the sun every morning. Finna put curtains on this bitch
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Dream Vezpyre
ahahah broke school ahahah
Like August 15, 2019
Not broke, just dum
Like August 15, 2019
Ephemeria Spring
tfw they don't pay you and also can't afford blinds
Like August 15, 2019 Edited
It's some shit
Like August 15, 2019
Ask A Teacher!
Honestly, would like a nice plaque that says "Professional Bladder Holder" cause I think I've made holding two cups of coffee for three hours a damn art okay
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Ask A Teacher!
First day of Student Teaching went well! I'm probably not going to die!
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Princess Unikitty
Any cool stories?
Like August 7, 2019
Commander Wyatt Ryder
YOU'RE BUCKING GOOD AT YOUR JOB YOU BUCKER! And if you die, i'm dragging your ass back kicking and screaming.
Like August 7, 2019
Scarlet Gleam
I want you to be my teacher. Can you be my teacher please? (What do you teach by the way?)
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Language Arts! And I get that a lot, being a "fun teacher"! I prefer the Creative Writing side of Language Arts, Grammar can get boring can't it?
Like July 18, 2019
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RIGHT LIKE UGH! I do like the JROTC crew on my campus though those kids know respect and rigor and it makes me proud. They practically run their own classes.
Like July 18, 2019
Commander Wyatt Ryder
Oh yeah, the cadets and juniors learn how to behave themselves. But sometimes we get one or two on base that decide to mouth off. But those that genuinely are interested have golden behaviour. Pisses me off when they finish early and we have to wait in line behind them at the canteen though... As ... View More
Like July 18, 2019
Commander Wyatt Ryder
I can imagine the enemy... "Alright men! We have to attack those Brits! BUT... The shorter way has gravel, so instead we'll crawl around the long way." "But, sir, wouldn't it be easier-" "HEALTH AND SAFETY REGULATIONS STIPULATE THIS"
Like July 18, 2019
Like July 18, 2019
Scarlet Gleam
I’m learning Italian.
Like July 18, 2019 Edited
Skyra Heartsong
Like July 21, 2019
Ask A Teacher!
Most people might think I love summers as a teacher! I don't! I miss my kids...and early mornings, with their two cups of coffee, the screeching intercom....... View More
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Amethyst the Hippogriff
Amethyst comes in with her cran box and wide ruled paper. She's ready!
Like July 11, 2019
Ask A Teacher!
I'm done. One of my students just said: "Life hack. If you go to the Apple store wearing a ski mask and carrying a gun they'll give you airpods for free."
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