
Ask me a math queston.
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2 to the 14th power
March 5, 2020
Why do online classes suck so much?
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A rather vague question, the reason could vary by institution. However, the biggest reason is that online classes cannot provide the same structure and rigor a classroom does, and often times require the person taking them to have a strong ambition and ability maintain their own schedule as no one i... View More
January 24, 2020
Oof. I’m just salty because they deleted all my progress I made within the last month. I started my class on the 6th. I lost it all.
January 24, 2020
Aight well ya girl had her last Observation yesterday. And it went perfect. That means I passed and get to become a teacher!
About a month from now it becomes official <3
My school I work at does "Daily Affirmations" but today I noticed they're recycling them
If you RECYCLE THEM they're RE-AFFIRMATIONS stop cheating us!!
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So I've found out that a few of my students are actually semi-successful rap artists with soundclouds and sponsors, and even their own merch.
However the odd dichotomy is seeing these chuckefucks can... View More
One of my students thought the Black Eyed Peas were just a band.
They didn't realize they're an actual legume.
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//oh! Can #shitmystudentssay be a regular thing? I HAVE INTREST
I have a question, im studying to become a teacher, any advice you can give me about the job?
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1) Start with substituting. The worst thing you can do is invest the time and money to learn how to teach, but never even step into a classroom to get a taste of it. You might find you hate it. It also helps with a lot of the practical elements you need to know in a clasroom. And atop that, form con... View More
1) If a kid falls behind. Shoot them.
2) If they cry, beat them until they have no more tears to cry.
3) Encourage violence. Only the strongest children get lunch.
Listen, this is line in the sand here. I like you and your jokes but there is where I put my boundaries.
Keep those jokes to yourself please. Like rape jokes and pedophilia jokes, jokes about students getting shot aren't jokes at all.
Have some class, and yes that's a teacher pun.
You don't get to draw my line. You're welcome and entitled to your outrage as far a stretch as it has to be, but do you see that little arrow in the corner? It's a magical thing. It allows you to delete posts in your spheres when you don't want to ignore them.
Use it. Or find the block button. I'll... View More
Deleting your posts won't make you see your error. It will merely grant you justification that you've somehow angered someone or ruined their day with your insensitive behavior. I'll give you that I can't draw your line, we're in agreement with that. But I sure hope I don't have to convince you to r... View More
Actually me when a student has a flawless body paragraph but we're five weeks in and let them know that if they produce a paragraph without a citation a D is the best we can give so I have to give the... View More
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"Wow, such a great paper. Let me check what format they cited their sources...
[inserts above photo]

What's a seclusion room? I only ask because they keep talking about it on the radio
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//zaten is right. I got sent to one of those places alot bc my mothers boss hated her, and i just so happened to be at the school, so i was dragged into theur drama sphere for a while. Dhe would send me there for the stuipedest reasons: talk in the halls? Go to seclusion room. Accidentally miss a tr... View More
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