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by on July 1, 2020
I've mentioned this organization a few times in previous posts, so I thought I'd make a blog explaining them in more detail. What is the Arcane Justiciar?: The Arcane Justiciar is a military organization which creates,oversees, and enforces laws on magic use in Nar's home country of Ysrgim. Justiciar camps, outposts, forts, and prisons can be found all over Ysgrim. Recently the Justiciar has set up an outpost in Vanhoover, and is currently attempting to gain permission to establish a fort n...
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by on June 30, 2020
//Good vibe lore post comin' atcha. The wizard guild of Myoorclaw (Pronounced: Me-your-claw) wasn't exactly large for Ysgrim guild standards, but it was certainly a lively one. Based in the small town of Vendon Myoorclaw undertook tasks sent in by citizens of the nearby area that needed the help of a mage. Every mage in Myoorclaw had their own unique magic. Unlike their wizard counterparts from Equestria mages in Ysgrim tended to focus on one magic type, and hone their skills with it rather t...
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by on June 29, 2020
Off in the borders nearing the White Tail Woods, there was a sweet little hamlet that Cynbel frequently visited. Sweetcorn. It was a simple farming village that was untouched by the corruption of Equestria's xenophobic and morally bankrupt ways. They held no knowledge of the rumors of mistreatment and madness that often circulated around Cynbel, when he first arrived they simply saw a frail stranger in need of a soft bed and a warm meal. Their abundant fauna have proven to be nothing if not valu...
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by on June 28, 2020
This is it. To have lived thirty years with a disease such as this particular one, to have gone through all the challenges that it and life had presented... It is truly a miracle. But even after all of that, the time has come. Time to rest. The early morning sun rises just beyond the horizon, tainting the sky with light purples, blues, and oranges, making glister the dew-covered grass of the valley. This is a nice place, always has been. Energy sips out of the body slowly, trickling away...
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by on June 25, 2020
Hi Ponies~ you're probably wondering why I'm writing this little letter which will be "copied" of course for all to see. Anyway I wanted to tell you all a little story, a story about a young mare who wanted nothing more but to no longer be shy and meek. She thought she would be able to make friends but no, they had to be rude to her and turn her away! Heh sorry about that, anyway she lived in a really far back time way before those no fun princes were around. And as I mentioned before she was re...
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by on June 21, 2020
//No travel post today. Have a pleasant lore post instead. The sound of fillies and colts at play permeates the early evening in the small village of Frakkas. The farmers and craftsmen are hard at work, while the rest of the village goes about it's business. Hunters, and foragers scour the nearby woods for food. Mares weave clothing, cloths, and linens. Others bake bread, and prepare meals. The elder sits outside of his home giving counsel to those seeking it, and the traders who have come in...
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by on June 21, 2020
There are a lot of financial channels on YT and Pride had some spare money. He got suckered into falling for the investment hype and bought silver and stocks It was a mistake He estimates he dropped about $2,000 on this stuff and now they're worth $1,490.26 ...
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by on June 18, 2020
//Nar's backstory is pretty murky, and I haven't explored it much so here's an attempt to clear things up. A lone stallion enters a remote cave situated near the middle of Mount Highmoor. A large rucksack is situated on his back. He's been to this exact cave many times before. Jek Kardul is a stallion of modest upbringing, and living. Though he's never been happy with his poverty things have been looking much better for the farmer in the past few years. 3 years ago Jek met a mare more beauti...
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by on June 16, 2020
Think about it Esports is a business and businesses need money. 1 tournament runner & streamer streams at a horse racing venue that's in poorasfuck town and the place is so much worse than their previous venue, in Pride's opinion. He went there once and never wants to go back there again. But also they're like 50 miles away from his house anyways. Still, they are a really famous local tournament & stream team. He'd rather go to a tournament that's closer and in a better venue. They only food ...
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by on June 15, 2020
1st, there's this famous tweet " ...
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by on June 14, 2020
Think about it What better way is there to tell esports gamers "this is the shit you want" than to show the pros on stage using the same equipment? What do gamers even think when they see a mere logo on screen taking up space? "WTF is this shit? Clutter? WTF do they even sell?" ...
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by on June 14, 2020
At this point in her career Asuka had gotten used to staying up for long periods of time. Sleep was a commodity in these times, and Asuka was glad she'd finally be able to get some. Her gait as she enters the mansion she calls home is nothing more than her dragging her hooves along the floor. She still wasn't used to how silent the mansion was now. Even if it was 4 AM. Someone was usually rummaging around the kitchen for snacks at this point in the night, but tonight there was no one. The kitche...
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