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by on January 13, 2024
Some days are shitty.  Thass what they say at least.  S'posed t' kinda say that some days aren't.  ...
126 views 2 likes
by on April 27, 2023
Have you ever woken up in a sweat from a dream you cannot forget? Have you ever regretted a night when you yelled about a life? I remember getting ready to bed, I was only just a kid. Let's say about around 5 when I yelled about a life. ...
120 views 3 likes
by on August 22, 2020
// No, this isn't lore, but rather the sum of a series of dreams that I've been having. I still do not know how the story will end and only will when the dreams stop happening, so... Yeah, this will hopefully be updated as time passes. The apparent theme around it is horror and survival, set in Europe during the period of the second world war, although not partaking in it. Hope y'all have fun reading it. - Bunkers and trenches carve the borders of Europe, yet, the war never seems to come by. S...
244 views 2 likes