Friendship Letters
When Phantom Mane awoke the sun had yet to rise but the colors along the horizon indicated it wasn’t far away. Since it was still a little cold Phantom Mane grabbed his mother’s scarf from atop a pile of books and bolted out the door. He raced for the main entrance and threw it open. The horizon glowed a dazzling array of oranges and purples but still the sun had yet to rise. A brisk breeze was blowing and Phantom Mane knew he ought to feel cold but he did not. He trotted over to and placed his ...
The first few days were the hardest. Phantom Mane barely knew the Crystal Empire before the 1000 Year gap and now he had to try and understand it without his parents. He would have been lost if it weren’t for the librarian, Amethyst Maresbury. Today was the third day after his ordeal, this is where the story continues.
Phantom Mane blinked his eyes open. Light streamed in through the window across his bed illuminating a swarm of dust particles as it inched it’s way up the covers toward...
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My name is Phantom Mane, and this is my story.
I was born and raised in the Crystal Empire near the end of King Sombra’s reign, several years before it disappeared. My father was a blue Unicorn, and my mother a golden Pegasus. All foals born in the Crystal Empire at the time were recorded in a census to make sure they were put to work as soon as possible. I was different. When my parents had me, they kept me hidden at home. I existed, but was never seen by anypony but them, like a phantom. I ...
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