Friendship Letters
An excited Amy would come over to a just as excited Thomas Reid. Reid would have adjusted his glasses and crouched down to her level to pick her up.
"Up you go! Look at you!" He would give her a gentle smile as he would sit on her pink bed. "Time for your check up, Amy. "
There was once a time when it was only a dark room. Nothing. Until that shroud had been pierced by a light. As if desperate to tell me to get out. Whispers of the old age to tell me to help him. Ah... So that's who you mean.
Reid would pick himself desperately into a dirty moldy sink as he looked at the broken glass. He would inspect what he could in the mirror. Scars of time would show. Preserved with his power. His skin crawled with visitors. He would look up at a light that didn't work ...
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