
Free Character Designs!
Demonic H Hooves congrats on winning Dandelion Tuft!
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Demonic H HoovesDH
Demonic H Hooves
oh shit! THANK YOU!
August 9, 2019
Dandelion Tuft. To enter, comment your favorite flower. To autobuy, $2.00. Winner will be announced 8/9/2019.
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Amorphophallus titanum
not only is that just, the most metal fucking sounding name for anything, little lone a plant! the flower, not the plan, THE FLOWER STANDS FUCKING SEVEN FEET TALL! and as if this thing couldn't get any more hardcore, every five to seven years when it blooms, it smells like r... View More
Congrats to:
1: Gen Tonic, who I can't tag
2: Pandora, also can't tag
3: PB, again, cannot tag rip
have fun with your new characters! ^-^
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Mama Chubs run in here and get ya'll juice-I mean, pony, before I steal this kiddo too
Sorry for the long hiatus, all! Here are three new adopts, Toasted Marshmallow, Morning Dew, and Snowball. If you'd like to enter to win one of them, post the number and I'll announce the winners in a... View More
Congrats to Lula Vieve, who I cannot tag, on winning Night Gown!
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~Winner will be announced Monday, February 11~
In three words, what personality do you think Night Gown has?
Or, auto-win for $5.50
9 people like this.
|| I see a lot of improvement and it's really refreshing.
gaudy, pampered, sleepy
Congrats to Charlie, who I cannot tag, on winning Director's Cut!
~Winner will be announced Friday, September 7~
Or auto-buy for $5
~How to Win~
Comment your fav musical for a shot at winning Director's Cut!
6 people like this.
Les Miserables! A musical based on the French Revolution! I saw it just the other day and Oh MY Gosh. I’ve seen Phantom of the Opera and I gotta say, Les Miserables pulled more tears than my eyes.
Sorry I'm late- congrats to Moonshine, who I can't tag, for winning Eyesore, Celtic Cross for winning Alluring Aubade, and Silver Screen, who I can't tag, for winning Cross-beat Contrafect!
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5 people like this.
ohh i love tea, i always like to have a cup of cinnamon tea with a little bit of sugar
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