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hello!! you can call me Wren c: I'd appreciate it a whole lot if you glanced over my Misc. Info before messaging me, especially regarding an rp <3
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Artist, Band or Public Figure » Artist
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Entertainment » Fictional Character
"My dear, you're far too pretty to be out so late at night. Never know who might be lurking in a place like this."
Jinx smirks, brushing the tip of her tail along your chin. Her voice is low and velv... View More
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Gray Rivers Alto Yuri
Gray stops hesitantly, but there wasn’t much that he could do when she blocked his path out of nowhere. He briefly looks around to either side of the street; empty.
“I’ve no change, lady” he mutters still averting her gaze, and pushing her tail away from his face.
August 18, 2021

She almost laughed, then settled for shaking her head. "And I've no use for money. You act as though I'm an urchin off the street. Surely one of your standing has seen gold before."
Jinx put an odd emphasis on the word act, like it was an implication, although her words didn't seem to imply much at... View More
August 18, 2021

Blimey! I'd be more surprised if I didn't recieve such flirtations from a blubbering fool of a stallion I like a few times per day or week. I mean like really he could steal any creature's heart easily with how much he flirts. Anyway I usually come out here for inspiration and to welcome Princess Lu... View More
August 18, 2021

The Outsider
"The spider weaves the web and the mayfly carelessly flies in its direction, I've the time but not the patience to learn which of us is which." The stallion's first words did not convey the unwelcoming gaze from the dull blue eyes. Leaves shuffled as a light breeze rolled through the park, lightly c... View More
August 18, 2021

Lady Moth~ <3
No need to worry about me...I can handle myself since I have magic- besides I was just going home anyways- *The Huma- I MEAN WITCH yawns cutely* Anyways...I'm Luz- (sleepy humAn)
August 18, 2021
Charlotte screams, but it comes out more like a quiet bleat. She's furious.
Charlotte offers you some of her ice cream. That means you're special. <3
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A small goat bleats at you. It's Charlotte. She's here to steal your food.
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Bleat! Charlotte requests a snack. Please ignore the 'Do not feed' sign. <3
Hat goat offers you a snuggle, because she is fluffy and soft and you are gorgeous and rad and deserve to be happy.
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