1996: They Call Me Sonic Music Video in 240p Upscaled to 4K
Sonic's Survival Team - They Call Me Sonic (Airrave)
I took the original music video, then upscaled it from 240p to 4K using a nearest neighbor filter plugin in Adobe Premiere Pro. I also replaced the audio with the CD version. The visuals are in sync with the music, but I added six extra frames to the video intro. I did this because the original video cropped part of the song intro. The original quality of this music video is terrible because it came from a CD that was only 33.2 MB in size. This is an obscure song that was part of the They Call Me Sonic CD. You can find out more information about this song in the following link.
That website claims the following information about the CD this song came from.
Cover [Concept & Realisation] – LWS
Lyrics By – Andrea Husak, Emerald Hill, Oscar Oberheim, Spike Shellcraker,
Music By – Emerald Hill, Oscar Oberheim, Spike Shellcraker
Producer – Sonic's Survival Team
I also created a forum thread on Sonic Retro that includes more information about this obscure music video.
Hashtags for discoverability: #TheyCallMeSonic #SonicTheHedgehog #MusicVideo
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Something About Sonic The Hedgehog 2 ANIMATED (Loud Sound Warning) 🔵🟠💨💨
Sonic's back and BOY is he ready to go FAST.
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Animatic, Animation, Additional Backgrounds, Coloring, Lineart, Special Effects, Sound Design, Writing by Jeremey Chinshue
Backgrounds and Background Animations by Edgar Nielsen
Voice of Eggman by Daniel Gavin
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Credits theme; Garden Stage by Jattello https://youtu.be/WSDSCWLkaXE?t=2679
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