"Damnit...she's here!? This can't be...she's gonna remember me..." the pink dragon grumbled "Ashley...if that BRAT remembers me she's probably gonna kill me...and if I die another Reginald will come..... View More
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"...Regi?" Sprout asked, watching the dragon pace around and mumble. "You doin okay, buddy?"
July 31, 2023

"...okay, yeah, I see the issue now." She thought for a moment. "Well. I'd think she'd understand you're not that Regi, right?"
July 31, 2023

Reginald Laviatus Dargon
"most Regis don't know other Regis apart. and Ashley on regi violence is almost 80%. and thr regi mortality rate in that case is 70%"
July 31, 2023

"I've heard of regicide, but THIS is riDICulous!" She gave a corny smile for about half a minute before relaxing her face. "Seriously, though, if you'd like some help, just let me know what I can do."
July 31, 2023