Germane Zebra
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Narrative Multi-Paragraph
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Snowy Do Jun
"May I have permission to embrace you tonight my lovely Jun?"
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Wrapping his hooves around his future wife Snowy picked up Jun and nuzzled her muzzle lovingly. He certainly had missed her. "Happy Hearth's Warming my love."
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Wrapping his hooves around his future wife giving her a loving hug. "Happy birthday my love~"
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He nuzzled her muzzle lovingly before giving it a kiss. "Gern geschehen." Admittedly he was still a little rusty in speaking in her language, but he was getting better! "I can't go forgetting my lovely mare's birthday and a birthday isn't complete without a birthday wish~"
September 14, 2024
#rp Today was the day the Queen got herself a much needed overdue massage... to ease her body tension and whenever she made an appointment she either had to postpone it or cancel it... but today! She ... View More
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Said girls there were very busy preparing for the arrival of royalty. The place was usually kept spotless and organized, but today it was necessary for everything and everyone to be in tip-top shape! Jun had just cleaned up after changing the mud from the pit, and now waited patiently at the front d... View More
May 10, 2024
"I won't mind and besides we have all day~ I did order the luxury package. I'm looking forward to the other activities~" Indeed she was! If the massage itself was this good she only could imagine what the other treatments would be like. "Yes please~ that would be lovely and as for the towel? I suppo... View More
May 17, 2024
"I certainly hope not." She'd chuckle, carefully guiding Lesa to roll over, and placing a folded towel in the necessary position. Sure, she deals with ponies up voice all the time, but Jun isn't one to invade privacy or cause discomfort. Snowy, on the other hoof...~
"Oh, but you get more zan zee lu... View More
Without any doubt whoever her fiance was, was certainly a very lucky stallion~ best not think on it too much. Following Jun's guide she rolled over slowly keeping her body relaxed as she did so. "The royal package?" She asked with a soft chuckle. "Well~ you certainly doing an amazing job~"
May 19, 2024
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Germane Zebra