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Octavia Melody


Female. Lives in  Ponyville,  Equestria. 33 years old
Earth Pony
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Universe
Roleplay Type
Narrative Multi-Paragraph
User Achievements
The Castle
172 Members
Queen Lesa
#rp Hearing her sister's voice coming from a imposter Aurora sent a chill down Lesa's spine! She did all that work to keep her daughter safe from harm, but it appears the baddies had tracked down two ... View More
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Aurora Sparkle
"Time is of the essence, Queen Lesa. If your daughter is within reach of Ozark, it will be too late for her. He is powerful! Dangerous! I will risk life and limb to save her, no matter what, but we do not have time to dally! Who is it you wish for me to take? I must warn you, if they are not enchant... View More
Like December 12, 2024
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Aurora Sparkle
"Most ponies are mere wonderers." Rosa would comment before ushering the opposite three through the portal and vanishing through it after. The gateway shutting with a warping sound. Aurora closed her eyes as they were teleported...but it'd seem the Queen had set up high security! They'd appear befo... View More
Like December 28, 2024
// Next time... On Dragon castle Z! This was fun! ^^
Like December 28, 2024
Snowy Do
"Leave it to the Queen to put up a magical barrier over the Castle." That barrier was the cause of Snowy's teleportion spell being redirected. //It certainly was quite enjoyable~ :)
Like December 28, 2024
Lord Somber
"Ugh...what is this feeling? I just get back and all of a sudden a feel a danger is approaching." Back at the Castle, Diana would be curled on the floor for moments, seeming to catch her breath. Something in her activated. A violent shake of sorts. Not from her Natural Arcane. No from the magic gift... View More
Like December 28, 2024
Queen Lesa
The Queen didn't share the gift Aurora had given to her husband as a gift and in return her husband had gifted Aurora the ability to use Arcane magic, but she had her own suspension. Taking a deep breath before exhaling Lesa spoke giving out instructions. "I want this Castle on full lockdown effecti... View More
Like December 28, 2024
Lord Somber
Artemis would soon enter the room, seeming to make a destination towards his wife. Diana was with him, seeming to have crossed paths with him. It would be surprising to see him. Artemis was gone to take care of some dangerous magics in a different world. And judging by the King's face and overwhelmi... View More
Like December 28, 2024
Queen Lesa
"Calm yourself hun. You have every right to be furious, but I put plans in motion to keep our daughter safe from harm." Indeed she did, but it still worried her and how could she be so calm right now? "Yes Diana it's true I asked for high security and the Princess was in trouble... deep trouble admi... View More
Like December 28, 2024
Vinyl Scratch
#rp It felt like a eternity of waiting, but it was almost here! Nightmare Night~ Vinyl absolutely loved that holiday for several reasons, dressing up, free candy, but her favorite part considering it ... View More
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Vinyl Scratch
#rp It had been a couple of weeks now since Vinyl had finally returned home after been missing for a few years. Admittedly~ she was almost brought to tears seeing her roommate again they did share a d... View More
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Octavia Melody
Octavia had been spending the time with Lilith, keeping the young filly comfortable. It'd been a long time since the little filly had been left with her, and just less that Vinyl had come back. It was a lot to deal with in such a short time, but it was still really nice. Like having her own family, ... View More
Like September 17, 2024
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Vinyl Scratch
“So have I.” Vinyl smiled at her softly as she used her magic to carry two plates following Octavia to the couch. “Wow~ you never once broke that rule of yours unless if it was movie night. I must admit it’s quite nice to see less uptight.”
Like September 27, 2024
Octavia Melody
"Ice cream tubs and couch naps became my thing. How do you think I got the extra squish to my body? Plus, having a filly's really give me a different outlook on life." She'd slowly take a seat by Lilith, prodding the sleeping filly. "Wakey-waket, sweetie."
Like September 27, 2024
Vinyl Scratch
"Now that you mention it~ your body does look a little squisher than normal, but more to love I suppose." Vinyl chuckled softly. "Surely you didn't always eat ice cream right?" She asked out of curiosity, but the answer to that question had to wait. Lilith was sound asleep on the couch that was unti... View More
Like September 28, 2024
Vinyl Scratch
#rp How many years had it been since anyone last saw the well known DJ Pon 3? In all honestly it was hard to say unless if you had been keeping count. Today would be written into the history books! Pr... View More
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Octavia Melody
Octavia had just set Lilith down to sleep, it was about nap time for her! So she'd made her comfortable on the couch, covered in blankets and given the softest pillow and plush ever! The plush was of a little white mare with blue mane and tail.then, she heard the doorbell ring. That was a surprise, ... View More
Like August 19, 2024
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Vinyl Scratch
The first tight squeeze Vinyl could handle, but as it grew tighter it caused her to wince. "...Tavi." She was about to say that she was struggling to breathe right now but thank goodness she released her from her grasp. "It won't be as simple as glue, but... you're as important to me as well Tavi an... View More
Like August 22, 2024
Octavia Melody
"Sorry, I...still forget my own strength." Octavia blushed faintly, but would shake it off quickly. "I, well, have been taking care of my sister's daughter, Lilith. So, please be a little quiet when coming in." She'd step back and wave a hoof over towards the filly laying on the couch, smiling pleas... View More
Like August 24, 2024
Vinyl Scratch
"I keep forgetting that you have a sister, but I didn't know she had a daughter." Perhaps the main reason why Vinyl forgot was because whenever Tavi tried having a conversation with the DJ? She always had her tunes playing too loudly. "I can't make any promises~ but I'll try to be quiet." Keyword wa... View More
Like August 24, 2024
Snowy Do
#rp About a month ago Lesa had dropped off her precious daughter at her big sister's place for safety concerns... she wanted her daughter out of harms way so turning to her big sister was the best opt... View More
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Octavia Melody
Octavia looked up from the book she'd been reading at the time, then quickly jumped up. The book fell to her stand as she trotted ahead of her. "No-nonono. Remember, only adults should answer the door, okay?" She'd place around the filly, gently pulling her back before moving to the door and opening... View More
Like August 14, 2024
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Snowy Do
That gentle kiss she gave him was enough to make him blush faintly. "Suppose time itself will reveal that answer it will also reveal the gender." Indeed it would! Of course it was still too early to tell what the gender would be. "I'll always cherish the time we spent together. Mi hai insegnato una ... View More
Like August 24, 2024
Octavia Melody
"I personally hope it's a daughter. Little filly to just watch raise into a beautiful mare. But, a colt would be just as wonderful. As long as he grows to be like you." She'd tease, winking as she bumped against him once. But, then she tilted her head at the sudden language change. "Solo due, eh?" S... View More
Like August 28, 2024
Snowy Do
“Considering her mother is already a beautiful mare no doubt she would get her stunning looks from her. Do you think that would be a wise idea if the colt was exactly like his father? A charmer for starters~ somehow finding a way of getting into trouble, but he would be a pure gentleman without any ... View More
Like August 28, 2024
Queen Lesa
#rp The sound of door knocking could be heard at Octavia's residents at some godforsaken hour! Whoever it was they were impatient! Because the knocks just kept on going.
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Octavia Melody
Octavia grunted as she approached the door. "Whatever this moon forsaken racket is, I would appreciate silence!" She pulled the door open, a very unhappy and cross look on her face. "What?!"
Like July 21, 2024
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Queen Lesa
Lilith opened up her eyes and looked up at her aunty and smiled happily. "Thank you aunty! I do have the best teachers after all. You'll be proud too right aunty? You're family too."
Like July 23, 2024 Edited
Octavia Melody
"Why, of course I will be! You will become a master!" She'd chuckle, ruffling Lilith's mane before looking back to the piano. "So, ready to start the lessons, little filly?"
Like July 23, 2024
Queen Lesa
That made her smile more. "Yay~ that makes me happy." Her tail was wagging again. "Yes please! I'm ready for the next lesson!" No doubt they probably would be here for a while.
Like July 23, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus floated down from his wing suit and landed on the ground near the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Queen Lesa
Confetti rained down from the sky! We'll more like it was thrown into the air. "Surprise! Buon compleanno sorella maggiore~" Now this was certainly a lovely surprise.
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Octavia Melody
Octavia tilted her head at the confetti before noticing her sister. She'd smile, "La mia sorellina! Grazie! Grazie!"
Like June 13, 2024
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Queen Lesa
The Queen shook her head. "A violin so can bring out deep feelings if you know how to play it correctly~" Shots fired! But she was only teasing as she went up to the counter. "Uh-huh mummy is showing me the basics, but she also said that you are a natural at playing." D'aww and then the young filly ... View More
Like June 14, 2024
Octavia Melody
"The best aunty ever? Why, I do not know what to say, Little Lily! And that only means more points for me! I'll be spoiling this little cutie often~" she'd ruffle Lilith's mane gently and look to Lesa. "Looks like we best set up a playdate! Now, about that cake?"
Like June 14, 2024
Queen Lesa
Lilith smiled happily at her aunty. "Yay!~ I love you aunty." Only if somebody had a camera to take a picture of this precious moment. "Playdate?" Lilith tilted her head. "I would love a slice of cake!" The young princess licked her lips. Now considering Lesa was the one who ordered it she tried to... View More
Like June 14, 2024
Octavia Melody
"I love you too, little one! And I don't see why you couldn't have some cake too." She'd chuckle, looking to the cake and slowly taking a seat at the table. "Again, thank you both. I appreciate it very much. It's been a long time since I've had some time with family and friends."
Like June 14, 2024
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Queen Lesa
Lilith smiled brightly. "Best aunty ever~" With that being said Lilith dug in! She might be making a small mess on her face and the Queen rolled her eyes playfully as she started to eat her slice of cake and before Snowy ate his he nuzzled Jun's check first before digging into his slice of cake. "Mh... View More
Like June 16, 2024
Octavia Melody
"Best little niece ever!" Octavia chuckled, looking about and humming softly. "Indeed. Though, I have heard that someone around here is awfully good at baking some crazy foreign meals! Miss Jun?" Jun giggled and waved a hoof dismissively. "Aww, thank you! Zee world deserves zee chance at other cul... View More
Like June 19, 2024
Queen Lesa
"Not only is she good at cooking crazy foreign meals, she's also good at giving a message! Her hooves are magical~she knows all the right areas to target." Of course Snowy was speaking from experience, but anyone in this room who has experienced a massage from Jun would probably agree. "I can't qu... View More
Like June 19, 2024
Snowy Do
#rp As the sun slowly started to set creating a beautiful sunset across Equestria the last train was rolling into Ponyville's train station. "Final stop! The small town of Ponyville please remember to... View More
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Queen Lesa
#rp Her visit to the small town known as Ponyville might be brief, but The Queen was on her way to surprise her big sister~ admittedly it was a few months ago since they had seen each other. Hopefully... View More
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