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Male. Lives in  Equestria. Born on November 4, 1998
Roleplay Availability
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Canon Equestria for the most part, but I'm pretty flexible.
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Artist, Band or Public Figure
pony Lake Air Force base
26 Members
the rifle coffee shop
24 Members
// HOLY HECKING MOTHERTRUCKING REE HO- I don't have the energy for this.
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Bright Brave
It’s just a Boop here, a comment there. Brake a few rules. Get a couple reprimands. Watch the drama. Play with friends. Then you’re the most active member…..
Like August 23, 2021
Angel sat down on a nearby park bench with a sigh. She looked up at the stars, soon slipping deep into thought and losing her situational awareness. "What secrets do you hold?" she mumbled. #rp
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Indiana Hoofs
"They hold all of them, young one" The aged earth stallion makes his way up to her. "Its been a long time....."
Like July 21, 2021
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"Underground?" Angel asked, pulling her head back and looking at him with a frown. "What are you talking about?"
Like July 22, 2021
Indiana Hoofs
He blinks a few times, as if he expected her to know. "I've been in my panic bunker at the cabin... for nearly..." he thinks "2? Maybe 3 years? Since the collapse. "
Like July 22, 2021
"You have a panic bunker under your cabin? Forgive me, but I must have forgotten... Nevertheless it is wonderful to see you again, welcome back," she said, smiling and going back to hugging him before pulling away a moment later.
Like July 24, 2021
*Stands at the stove staring at you with narrowed eyes, slowly stirring a pot of... Something.*
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Well this is fun.
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Charlie Gabriel Blaze
Fun being with you~
Like July 1, 2021
I beg your pardon?
Like July 1, 2021
Silver Bullet
I'm not fun, I'm dad
Like July 1, 2021
Hi dad!
Like July 1, 2021
I’m fun
Like July 2, 2021
Aaaaaaaaaaaaa I live once more
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Icy Creation
Welcome back to life!
Like June 30, 2021
Many tanks!
Like June 30, 2021
Carmen Gumshoe
no you don’t :gun:
Like June 30, 2021
D: Pls not hurt
Like June 30, 2021
Stardusk Strider
Welcome back ^^
Like June 30, 2021
Like June 30, 2021
Righto, second post of the day and fourth of the week. That statement is also completely irrelevant. Not gonna lie, I kinda feel like we need more douchey/arsehole-like characters around. Maybe I'm j... View More
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Alexander 'Crow' Kingston
Me I just needa be more active :c
Like April 2, 2021
Aw. :(
Like April 2, 2021
Spirit Weaver
Being mean makes me feel bad though :(
Like April 2, 2021
I know, it makes me feel bad too in most cases, but you gotta push past that and bring out your innner areshole. Embrace it! Just don't let it swallow you up.
Like April 2, 2021
Minsa Rousain
I think that it's a careful balance. To have a mean character, you really have to be good about separating self from the character...Else your character's personality be assumed or proven to be the same as yours.
Like April 2, 2021
Agreed, that is a necessity with an arsehole character, something one must most certainly master.
Like April 2, 2021
"I have to agree, our kind has been squashed by goodness!" Web states, 100% prepared to be as mean as he can to the next pony he meets. Web then laughs and goes off to prepare some mediocre insults.
Like April 2, 2021
shared a photo
// Angel has joined the trend, and she likes it. :3 I would credit the artist of the base, but searching DA and Google has brought up nothing. Of course this happens on one of the few bases I don't ha... View More
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Oh and yes, this is a base edit. I did make some changes to it however, those being the eyes (changed direction of gaze and eyes type), wing, and horn. I added the wing and horn myself.
Like April 1, 2021
Yee-haw mothertrucker, four day weekend!
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Ye can offer you a 5 day weekend for the low price of 100000 dollars! (offer only available in rp, not applicable irl)
Like March 31, 2021
Like March 31, 2021
unfortunately the "shop" feature is not yet implemented! But dont worry Comp is working on it!
Like March 31, 2021
Like March 31, 2021
Solar Sky
"How about a nice red mustache to go with your fabtastic weekend, hm?" Solar would smile and hold out a 'stache.
Like March 31, 2021
"Why thank you kindly, I shall wear this with pride," Angel replied with a grin, taking the 'stache and sticking it to her face. // Funny story is, I was JUST about to start working on a piece of art featuring Angel with a mustache. XD Maybe not a red one, but yeah. Your timing is impeccable. :D A... View More
Like March 31, 2021
Solar Sky
//heck yea! It'll be great!
Like March 31, 2021
// If my art skills are still up to scratch lol. It'll only be a quick base edit, not gonna worry about a full drawing for now.
Like March 31, 2021
Polo Fastter
Like March 31, 2021
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Polo Fastter
Like March 31, 2021
I say good sir, take those words back immediately!
Like March 31, 2021
Polo Fastter
Like March 31, 2021
Yikes I cannot start a conversation for shyeet... How does one proceed to converse with an individual one has not met before without diving ass-first into basic small talk?
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I've grown super anti-social over the past year or so, and pretty much fell outta' all my circles cept one, so don't take advice from me BUT! Just say hi and carry the conversation. Ask questions, offer RP, talk about something you enjoy. Stuff like that.
Like March 30, 2021
I'm not much of a convo-carrier so to speak, but that's worth a shot! Thanks!
Like March 31, 2021
:O angel!
Like March 30, 2021
:O Pan!
Like March 31, 2021
*boops the angel ponyo*
Like March 31, 2021
*Boops the Pandur ponyo in return*
Like March 31, 2021
Vy Thresh
I just go for small talk usually, it's the best way to get a feel for where things are and opens up a lot of opportunities to dive into other potentially deeper topics. Is there a reason you want to avoid small talk?
Like March 30, 2021
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Vy Thresh
That's good to hear ^^ And no worries! There's nothing inherently wrong with complaining ^^ Hell.. I frequently say that a little venting is good for the soul.
Like March 31, 2021
Nah I don't think so either, unless it's excessive of course. You gotta vent somewhere, somehow. ^^
Like March 31, 2021
Vy Thresh
Exactly! =)
Like March 31, 2021
Dagger Glint
Easy. You say hello, and ask them how they are. then use whatever they say as conversation material until they as you about your day
Like March 30, 2021
But what if they don't give you any conversation material? :o
Like March 31, 2021
Dagger Glint
Stare at them. Aggressively.
Like March 31, 2021
Huh... Never thought of that, actually...
Like March 31, 2021
Yaaaaay lack of activity wooooo
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it's this time of daynight that it happens
Like May 17, 2019
I meant for myself, but yeah, timezones are annoying af. >.>
Like May 17, 2019
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