She still hasn't been back to work yet. Honestly, she's almost hoping she gets fired at this point. Let go, they'll say, to soften the blow. She doesn't care.
She'd felt something during her assault,... View MoreShe still hasn't been back to work yet. Honestly, she's almost hoping she gets fired at this point. Let go, they'll say, to soften the blow. She doesn't care.
She'd felt something during her assault, around Nightmare Night. Something that she hadn't felt since the first days of Academy: fear.
She'd quickly swallowed that fear, replaced it with rage when she was learning how to be a proper cop. But was back. And she knew what the cause was.
The cause was currently curled up beside her, asleep under their shared blanket. As she had been getting beaten senseless, the only thought in her mind had been what in the world would happen to Pink Pearl if she fell in duty. How she had felt that day she and her mother had gotten the news that her father was never coming back...and having to put her daughter through that.
For once, she finally had something to care about in life, more than her career. And she was utterly lost on how to handle it.
She lets out a soft wheeze, which transitions to a cough as she comes back to. She's been sleeping on the sofa, because it's closer to the kitchen so she can make herself and Pearl food...
Single mot... View MoreShe lets out a soft wheeze, which transitions to a cough as she comes back to. She's been sleeping on the sofa, because it's closer to the kitchen so she can make herself and Pearl food...
Single motherhood really was harder than she'd imagined. She didn't really plan for this, and honestly if she could have a spare body...
Nah. This was her fight and burden alone. And she loves her little burden....speaking of, said pink-haired burden has fallen has fallen asleep upside-down like a goof in her lap. She likes the extra warmth, makes her aching ribs feel better. Her and Pearl still hadn't discussed the scary part about her getting attacked and ending up in the hospital but she was sure her daughter would bring it up when necessary...
"Mmmmmmmmm someone pick that up please."
She can hear the beep of the answering system...which is wierd, cause as she looks around, she realizes there's no assistant at the desk next to her.
It's a... View More"Mmmmmmmmm someone pick that up please."
She can hear the beep of the answering system...which is wierd, cause as she looks around, she realizes there's no assistant at the desk next to her.
It's also weird because she's not in her office...she's back at her floor desk from her beat cop days...and the office is completely empty. As she looks up, she swears the lights are getting brighter, and...her's getting harder to breathe...
She clutches at it with a hoof as she wheezes, trying to catch her breath as the lights get blinding, and the dial tone for the messaging system...just repeats over...and over...and over...
She realizes vaguely through the drug-induced haze it's the heart monitor...and the bright light is streaming in through the hospital window. The difficulty breathing is probably from her swollen lungs and ribs...which ache quite a bit. What even...happened? How did she get here?
Her heart is bursting with joy and pride. It's almost the end of her shift, and her co-worker finally got done the outfits that she'd ordered for herself and Pearl for Nightmare Night.
Pearl had bee... View MoreHer heart is bursting with joy and pride. It's almost the end of her shift, and her co-worker finally got done the outfits that she'd ordered for herself and Pearl for Nightmare Night.
Pearl had been going on and on about wanting to be a hero like her momma, but not a cop they'd finally agreed that Pink was going to be a knight and Honey could be a dragon. Even now it made her smile, looking over at the shiny red scales on the outfit that if anyone had told her to put on a year ago, would have gotten their ass beaten.
"Lieutenant Honeybell, we have a 10-59 on your return route can you do us a favor and check on it? It was just an old lady claimed some kids were pranking her house." she gets pulled away from her thoughts by the voice over the radio and slaps her call button to respond.
"10-20. I'll stop in." She says as she eyes her console, pulling over into a different turn lane. It WAS Nightmare Night week this sort of thing was bound to happen. She'd probably just give them a good talking-to and send them home. No need to get parents involved, she'd probably have done the same sorts of things if her own childhood hadn't been so shitty.
She's too busy reminescing she doesn't even realize that she's already at the location by the time she pulls over, turning on her lights before parking in front of the house. She can see the elderly tenant from the street, lights on, both inside and front porch. She thinks the old woman seems a bit worried for some harmless pranks.
As she raises a hoof in greeting, the mare inside moves to the door, pointing a shaky hoof around the left side of the house. "'am, they're over there, I heard 'em jimmyin' with the side window of my house-near mah basement!" she says tremulously.
" think they were attempting to break and enter, not wasn't just a prank ma'am? No egging or...toilet papering...maybe messing with trash...?" Honey says with a raised hoof.
"No ma'am...that's...that's the garage, the them garbage cans is near...!" the pony says worriedly as she points. Sure enough, the cans are in front of her house, not beside...
"Alright stay here, I'll handle this. Probably just trying to be funny again, you know how kids get..." Honey says as she moves around the garage, drawing her taser and flashlight. She swears she hears the older mare say "I know how they are alright."
"Officer of the law, can you all come out where I can see you? Hello! I want you out here, now, please!" she says as she raises both flashlight and taser...there's...nothing there? Nothing in sight. They probably left already. If they were anything like half the kiddos today they probably scrammed when they saw the red and blue flashing lights on the street.
"Smart of y-" she was talking to herself, but clearly she's not alone-and she lowered her flashlight at the worst possible second-having rounded a tall hedge, she doesn't even see the baseball bat that slams into the side of her head, leaving her head ringing. Both taser and flashlight drop to the ground as the world spins. She can't even tell how many are around her or how old they are, she just hears mumbled voices and feels the blows as the world starts going red and white around her. She just curls up until it stops, the dull thud of hooves running off barely audible as she reaches up to her radio, trying to rasp out, "Code twenty", but she swears the check tone on the radio isn't working..and as she manuevers her aching neck so her swelling eye can see, she realizes the reciever is bashed in entirely, a small "Oh..." coming from her before the world goes dark.
"Mommaaaaa it's October tommorrow. Are we gonna do anything for Nightmare Night...?" Pearl asks as she flops with her crayons and paper. Honey's stress level as she's been looking for a babysitter or ... View More"Mommaaaaa it's October tommorrow. Are we gonna do anything for Nightmare Night...?" Pearl asks as she flops with her crayons and paper. Honey's stress level as she's been looking for a babysitter or daycare for Pearl has been rising. But she's doing her best to hide it, since she really loves her daughter.
"Uhm...well...I mean, I've...been on my own for...years...I don't really celebrate it..." she doesn't really do scary movies, they have no effect on her, and she's never liked candy. Candy apples sure...but other candy? Nah. "What do you wanna do baby?"
"Well...what if we outfits or something...?" the little filly says as she rolls around thinking.
"I...could...we could probably do that..." she says as she rubs her chin. She...knew how to sew once upon a time. Or maybe she could ask the ladies at the office...maybe.
"I don't know much about monsters,'ll have to give me ideas!" she says with a hopeful grin at her daughter. Wishing that were the truth...she knows plenty of monsters, they just wear the skins of ponies...and are in jail cells.
She's having a little trouble making ends meet so she is going without power tonight...instead, her and Pearl are making a card tower for the mere reason that neither of them over have...
It was goin... View MoreShe's having a little trouble making ends meet so she is going without power tonight...instead, her and Pearl are making a card tower for the mere reason that neither of them over have...
It was going so well, they finally had gone fifteen minutes without a failure, before she accidentally smacks the entire stack with her hoof, sending it crashing down. Before she can think, she growls "Ohhhh FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUuuuu...." before stopping and staring at Pearl, who immediately flops and rolls around, cackling. "Heehee bad word!"
She blushes and tackles the little filly, attacking her with tickles and growls. "You shut the heck your face you small scamp!" the neighbors can probably hear her squeaking with laughter. That'll learn her.
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