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A con-mare and stock trader!
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Equestria Extended
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Nitroxus Soulspins Miss Fortune
*Nitroxus floated down to the ground from the air with the help of an umbrella. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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*Nitroxus climbed out of a green pipe that was in the ground. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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*Nitroxus floated on top of a bubble and popped the bubble to land in front of the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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*Nitroxus rode on the back of a large moving rock that was moving toward the pony. He soon smiled to them. He then passed a large gift over to them.* Happy Birthday!
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Trish sometimes wonders if the other members of the Order think he's weak for not being in battle or on missions with them. He doesn't think he is-knows he isn't, really, but he does wonder if they re... View More
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"The resort has a casino in it too. Your two friends there could try their luck before the regrets kick in," the stallion chimed up, "Also, take a left from here and make a right on the second street. It'll be right there. Hard to miss. Big neon lotus sign. You'd be deft and blind to miss it."
October 22, 2019
"I always have money gramps. I steal from the Mafia for fun." Sin says with a shrug. "Just don't ask me where I keep it." she adds with a sly grin, setting off out the door.
October 25, 2019
A few minutes later, the party arrived at the Lotus Resort. As promised by the blood bank receptionist, it was hard to miss as the giant, neon locus sign shined brightly in the twilight. Despite being a little bit off of the main path, the place was rather busy.
When they first entered, there was a... View More
November 3, 2019
Honestly, he half-remembered, at least, but he kind of had to swallow to get the cookie out of his mouth after Sin shoved it inside him. He usually is okay with ladies shoving things inside him...
He does cough and take his key and the brochure weakly though, wheezing "Thanks!"
November 14, 2019
"Looking forward to it~" the receptionist replies with a wink to Sin. She blew a small, quick kiss to Coup. Hey, at least he got something for his goofiness. For Mystic? He got a smile and a wave. Seems she picked up that he wasn't interested. "Enjoy your stay, everyone~"
As the group made their wa... View More
November 18, 2019
Sin's not one for gambling. Not because she dislikes...but because she can cheat using her shadow magic, so it's not really a challenge or amusement. Typical gambler. Now if they have a sauna and lounge? Maybe the bar? That's more like it.
She's already forgetting...lots of things. Mainly why they... View More
He's dozing slightly at a table in the HQ, and really isn't aware of it til his chin slips off his hoof and smacks into the table, causing him to jerk awake. "GAHH! What...what are we doing...yeah...c... View More
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"If you need a wakeup, I have a few recipes." Gear says before throwing him a mint and getting back to his book, which was on Equestrian Modern history on gem refinement, including a couple of major gem producers and the mines they extract gems from. He already has a few names written down to cross ... View More
Rover listened to whatever else they proposed, nodding as he agreed to their plans. When Jule started pointing locations on the map, Rover would raised an eyebrow in surprise with the last on there, in the Empire. He'd not push further for now though, clearly getting that it was a painful memory to ... View More
"Alright, I'm off to find Sol and Loki. Though, did Loki ever come? I don't recall ever seeing him at the big meet up.." Jule shrugged and waved a hoof dismissively, "Eh, either way, I'll find Sol at least. Stay safe, everyone. If ya need any spelunking gear, let me know soon. I'll spare what I can.... View More
September 13, 2019
"Aaaaall right then- Rover, Quarry- we have ourselves a hunt." Gear says, rubbing his hooves together."We should get enough trail stock to feed ourselves there and back, a vehicle if we are bringing back an ample supply of gems to grow and/or carve immediately, and gathering gear.. but first, given ... View More
September 13, 2019
He gives his cursory up-alley, down-alley stare before opening the door on the side of the building. He still kind of marvels that no one that owns the adjacent shops has questioned the new door that ... View More
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Jule would be napping on the couch, on his back. On his belly, with one of his wings draped over, was an.. odd foal to say the least. The foal looked like a spirit that had given dark shadows a form with a thin and wispy mane and tail. The foal as napping as well, happily cuddled up on top of Jule.
... View More
"Anyhow apologies for being rude!" he say as he strides over to Mystic. "Welcome to...our organization that we have yet to name!" he says as he extends a hoof. "If you're here to help us keep Equestria and her people safe then you're a friend. Also if you managed to make it past my magical barriers ... View More
August 21, 2019
"And hopefully we have more news on how things can be helped, soon..." he says as he looks at Couper. They really could use some good news.
August 22, 2019
There's a clunk from the front hallway as it opens again, causing a bit of alarm, since most of them are already there. Though it's a slow trudge, the worry is allayed as Solaire comes into view, a tired but resigned look on his face as he eyes the new crew. That's a lot of people "Well hello. Looks... View More
August 22, 2019
"I wouldn't worry about me using magic on ya. My magic's not really strong from a distance, so.. If I want to yeet ya with levitation, I'd just do it with my tail," he jokes, trying to lighten up the mood a little. When Rover pressed for a hoofshake once more, Jule looked at his hoof, uncertain if h... View More
August 31, 2019
Rover would giggle, nodding. "Haha, good to know... Well, if you do that, better be prepared I hardly go up in the air.." He answered on the same tone, smiling. Looking at him as he accepted to shake his hoof, he'd grit his teeth, his headache coming back hard to hurt him, the stallion seeing blurry... View More
September 4, 2019
(Starting a new thread here for others to join)
As Trish reaches the bottom of the stairs, he nods at Quarry, pulling out a piece of parchment. "Could I bother you to give me an account of what occurred on your trip? Solaire looked rather tired, which...is rather uncommon. The sooner I know what h... View More
"Mmmmmmhhh how much are we talking? I doubt any of us have that energy." Trish is furiously scrawling notes at incredible speed as he nods-multiple things at once. "And if we can transport it...hmmm....optimally the wielder would also need to be the power source....uhhhhh...hmmmmm..." he eyes his no... View More
September 5, 2019
As they kept talking and discussing their strategy to deal with this new threat, Rover, back from sometime trying to relax after his encounter with the hyrbid, approached the ground silently hearing some of their discussion. As he heard that they spoke of the crystals they'd need to protect the town... View More
September 8, 2019
Jule would come walking out from the barracks, having laid Unborn down for a nap in a more private area. He grabbed one of Couper's extra sandwiches and nommed on it, walking over to the group. He made sure to keep a fair distance from Rover, hoping to not cause him too much pain or ache. "Crystal t... View More
September 8, 2019
The morning has dawned cloudy, and red...he saw last night's reddish moon, and it had given him goosebumps. Both last night and this morning...had given him a rather unnerving feeling. He isn't even s... View More
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Rusty, being the old fart he is, wasn't up late enough to see the moon. He was, however, up at the butt crack of dawn.
He was currently out on his porch, sitting in an old rocking chair as he watched the sunrise. He swayed back and forth gently, a pipe hanging from his lips as an odd, faintly blue-... View More
"You tell her, Melodi~" he says says with big ole grin as he sets the tub down next to Trish. "I'm Rusty, I tend to be everyone's grandpa. How ya holdin' up sweetie? Do you wan' some water, or tea?"
June 23, 2019
"It's okay Melodi, we can ge' ya some more strawberries later," he says with a smile down to her before looking back up at Melodi, "Well.. Speakin' from experience, i' coulda been worse. A' leas' everyone go' ou' alive, righ'?"
June 23, 2019
"Yes, and that's what's important. Possessions can be replaced. People can't..." he huffs as he pets Scienna's head. He healed her, but he can't fix the rage...
June 25, 2019
As much as Rusty didn't want to leave Abby, Lyle, Tera and Auri, he had things he needed to do at his own home. One of those things being his swan song of a weapon for work. With him soon approaching ... View More
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