She stretches, arching her back as she gets up from her spot in her shop absorbing the rays of the sun. She sashays over to her counter, looking at the list of things she needs to do for the day, befo... View MoreShe stretches, arching her back as she gets up from her spot in her shop absorbing the rays of the sun. She sashays over to her counter, looking at the list of things she needs to do for the day, before nodding and moving over to her fridge.
She takes a big old sip of iced tea, before going back over to her sunspot and flopping over, continuing to do absolutely nothing productive.
She's high again. As she lays there, twitching, she realizes what appears to be a large, fuzzy caterpillar as about to chomp down on her fluffy butt. She twists in alarm, screeching as she tries to po... View MoreShe's high again. As she lays there, twitching, she realizes what appears to be a large, fuzzy caterpillar as about to chomp down on her fluffy butt. She twists in alarm, screeching as she tries to pounce on the thing. To her alarm, it moves with her, the thing surprisingly fierce and agile for an insect. She glares as she flails and roils, turning sinuously before finally coming in range-she bites down on the thing! Victory!
Except it turns out it's her tail and she yowls in distress as she chomps down on the senstive thing.
Tuesday, April 2, 2019 6:00 pm
Minecraft, Beyond Equestria
She is walking along, minding her own business as she enjoys another sunny spring day. Poor cat doesn't realize it is garbage day and someone set an old sofa down by the curb of their house to get hau... View MoreShe is walking along, minding her own business as she enjoys another sunny spring day. Poor cat doesn't realize it is garbage day and someone set an old sofa down by the curb of their house to get hauled off...
The moment she spots it, she freezes, going rigid before twitching. " no nO NO NOOOOGODS" she can't stop herself. She dives on the poor sofa, extending her claws before viciously tearing and clawing at it for no entire fucking reason. Okay then.
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