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Flutterqueen verse
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*You find yourself surrounded by Queen Fluttershy's Royal, Crystal and Changeling Guards. What kind of horrible/dumb thing have you done to end up in this situation?* #rp
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Queen Fluttershy requested: /roll 1d6
1 roll(s) of D6 dice
Roll results: 2 = 2
This is an automated bot message.
1 roll(s) of D6 dice
Roll results: 2 = 2
This is an automated bot message.
March 19, 2025
*yami stood there just staring at the guards...who were currently not moving* creatures are so uptight..cant enjoy a simple meal anymore
March 19, 2025
Okay hear me out but how honest in detail can / should i go miss flutter queen iam shy? Well no but brutally honest
I ran naked over the field in a panic attack and now people seem to have thoughts about me being crazyor something IDK
Eitherway its not so bad now
also i really felt in touch with Nature and then got arrested and send to a clinic for 6 days
*she would be waiting in line at a lettuce stand while in disguise*
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"Pssst. Hey you...! You should just skip the line!" The voice seemed so close that it sounded like it was vibrating in her head.
"Besides, you're royalty! You deserve it!" The voice exclaimed.
February 19, 2025
"Is it rude for a queen to take what is rightfully hers? Hmmm? Besides, only you can hear me right now! Nothing wrong with a bit of fun. Wanna see the fun in this?"
February 19, 2025
Attention everyone it's time for a special tournament that I'm holding for all to try. The rules are that you aren't allowed outside help in any shape or form and that you're not allowed to fatality ... View More
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The Ghostling would've smirked, Before stepping near them untill... His blue markings had completely disappeared !?, But how could this happen... ? Was it perhaps there was a field of Magick completely nullifying other types of magick ?
Also why would his owner set up a Tournament ?, Didn't she hat... View More
February 15, 2025
*she'd teleport next to Chrysalis* Ghostbit I'm the one in charge of the Changelings now.
I'd rather not talk about it right now. Please train yourself in the training room while you wait.
February 15, 2025
*she would be waiting in line at a stand that sold cabbages while cloaked in a hood so no one would recognize her.*
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Hello everyone. I have a little challenge for you if you're willing to do it.
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*all you saw was a yellow blur rush past you at speeds not even rainbow dash can react to. It wouldn't be long before your grabbed then suplexed*
Uhh... what challenge do you even have for me and my sister?
*You would witness Queen Fluttershy absolutely manhandling Chrysalis in what appears to be a sparring match but in actuality Flutters is giving the ex Changeling Queen a massage*
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"I will be your..." He would pause at the sight of Chrysalis. "C-C-Changeling! Run!" The two foot diamond dog would shuffle the other direction quickly.
January 24, 2025
*you'd pass by a lot of confused Changeling and pony royal guards.
This didn't change anything, he ran so long as his ittle legs worked. Odd's nervous demeanor has always been a problems with him and even more of a problem with his experiences with changelings. The many problems.
January 25, 2025
*Angel bunny would demand a snack from you. Would you give it to him?*
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*Queen Fluttershy would take both items instead then would tap her hoof twice, next thing you know your surrounded by her royal guards , Flutters would be giving you a soul piercing glare throughout all of this*
You leave here at once.. my bunny is not that mean.
January 22, 2025
Ok who thought it was a good idea to play a prank on me .. *she'd say after getting jumpscared by [your oc here]* #rp
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-Eye's glowing off yellow, the whites changed to pitch black and letting out an un-holy screech, Nightingale jump out from behind a couch. Six spider legs flayling about as she pops out from behind.-
January 19, 2025
-Climbs up from the couch with her spider legs. Focusing her magic, she re-absorbs the legs back into her body.- Should have saved that for the spooky season. DO you guys celebrate that in this universe?
January 20, 2025
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