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Floral "Rusty" Rust

Male. Lives in  Canterlot,  Equestria. Born on June 2, 1951
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She slides on by his forge to see if he's in, she's wanted to see his work place for a while, forges seem really cool...and she has a deliver to make!
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Floral "Rusty" Rust
He, indeed, would be at his home forge. It was in his backyard in a large barn-like structure. The large doors were wide open, allowing heat to escape and air to circulate. He was currently wearing a cheap paper-face mask as his wings fanned the old-fashion coal forge. Seems like he was so focused o... View More
Like May 1, 2019
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Floral "Rusty" Rust
He would roll his eyes playfully, "Alright, calm down there missy. He then starts to open the envelope, "So when is the weddin' anywa- THE 10TH?!"
Like May 2, 2019
"Ya!" she nods. "And don't tell me to calm down, I need thigh cutouts." she nods. "Tasteful ones..."
Like May 2, 2019
Floral "Rusty" Rust
"You ain't that thick," he says matter-of-factly, but winks a moment or two afterwards to show he was teasing, "Enough chit-chat, though. Lots to do in a few days. And we should probably arrive a day or two early to help with set-up, practice, etc. So we've even less time to prep for this, Miss Last... View More
Like May 2, 2019
AMA (ask me anything) time since I'm in the need to change things up and hopefully regain the will to rp more than one character at a time. So feel free to ask me anything about , ... View More
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Izzy //mlp g5
the mare knowen as apple chord from ponyville"howdy there how are yall?" the mare smiles she was holding her guaiter and tried to be friendly the mare was wearing her normal white rodeo outfit brushin... View More
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Floral "Rusty" Rust
"Ole Grandpa Rusty is back, youngins. Had to go off to a place that helps ponies like me with their breathin'. Nuttin' to worry about, though. I ain't goin' anywhere, anytime soon."
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Zaten doesn't know this Grandpa Rusty, but Zaten likes to hug elders, so he hugs Grandpa Rusty. c:
Like April 5, 2019
Floral "Rusty" Rust
He'd give the buggo a nice, firm, bear hug. This old stallion still has a lot of spunk in him left.
Like April 5, 2019
I don’t know you, but I hope you stay ok! *she smiles at him a little, her teeth showing through*
Like April 5, 2019
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Well that’s not very good! I hope you keep getting better!
Like April 5, 2019
Floral "Rusty" Rust
"Ye, now that its warmin' up. Thin's are a lot better. Plus, they changed up the herbs they have me smoke, so that's been helpin' a lot."
Like April 5, 2019
Well that’s good! *she smiles at him* and I’m glad you’re doing better, sir.
Like April 5, 2019
Bright Brave
I love you grandpa Rusty.
Like April 5, 2019
Floral "Rusty" Rust
"And I love you, random citizen."
Like April 5, 2019
So since a few certain people are a little impatient, I'll make an announcement related to , and . I've been sick and been working for a week straight (no days o... View More
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Floral "Rusty" Rust
Rusty would knock on 's door, he had another large box on his back. Hopefully the door didn't fall off this time.
Floral "Rusty" Rust
"hussle, Hussle, HUSSLE," the old stallion barked out, "Y'ALL GO' ONE MORE HOUR TO GIVE ME A FINISHED BLADE!" It was that time of year where the the Royal Forge took on some new apprentices to train ... View More
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Polo Fastter
"hello can someone make a dagger?
Like February 16, 2019
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Polo Fastter
polo writes the contact on the back of the paper"there"
Like February 16, 2019 Edited
Floral "Rusty" Rust
He nodded before taking the paper and tucking it away somewhere safe, "I'll le' 'em know. For now, though, I'ma have to ask ya to leave, for safety reasons."
Like February 16, 2019
Polo Fastter
"ok" polo leaves
Like February 16, 2019
"A shame there is no automated process for the forging of steel.... Say, this just helped me come up with a grand new idea! One that will revolutionise production forever!"
Like February 16, 2019
Polo Fastter
polo looked at flam "like what a metal mold for swords?"
Like February 16, 2019 Edited
Why! There's no need to IRON out the details quite yet, but yes, something like that, with metal pre melted and poured into the molds... It will be far quicker no doubt "
Like February 16, 2019
Polo Fastter
"well I know someone with that set up the bad part is getting the metal out of the mold once it COOLS off"
Like February 16, 2019
"erm..." He started. He didn't quite get the joke there. "I suppose that could be the case. I suppose I should look at the cost ptofit ratio analysis, and see if it is an industry worth pursuing."
Like February 16, 2019
Floral "Rusty" Rust
// Hanging out on Pony Town for a spell if anyone wants to join.
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Svarlet Batfire and Spoof
Like February 15, 2019
Dream Vezpyre
Like February 16, 2019
Floral "Rusty" Rust
// that was 7 hours ago, silly. :p
Like February 16, 2019
Btw, for those waiting on replies from , and , my apologies. I've been dealing with a little bit of writer's block and a creative tank that's running on empty, so... View More
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Cally Ber
I love this. I love this so much. I never see anyone RP as an elder except maybe once in 9 years. Good on you and thanks
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Floral "Rusty" Rust
// My thoughts exactly! Everyone could use a grandpa. :D Thank you~
Like January 14, 2019
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