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Other. Lives in  Beyond Equestria. Born on September 16, 2000
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Inquisitor Ío
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"Hey you! Yes, you... Show me around." #rp
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Bright Brave
"First off. Beer and Cider. Cider tastes better. Just don't drink to much." BriBra bought the first round.
Like May 16, 2024
“Drink… So, these are edible? They stink of rot.”
Like May 16, 2024
Bright Brave
"Repeat after me. Fermentation is our friend." Sippy sippy sippy.
Like May 16, 2024
"You don't tell me what to do." Io narrowed eyes. She eyed her beverage anxiously. Seriously, it did smell of fungus. Why would anybody want to drink something like that!?
Like May 17, 2024
The ling would've been caught off-guard by the sudden appearance of the stranger!, Nearly dropping the stack of sugar He was levitating above him "W..Wah!?" He exclaimed to them.
Like May 16, 2024
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"I mean... You could've asked more nicely buuuuuut, Sure I guess ?" He told them, not even noticing their strange limbs. But he'd began to float off the ground and put on his best tour guide voice. "To Yooooooooooooooooour left is Where the mayor of Ponyvile resides!, it's kinda like a centerpiece! ... View More
Like May 16, 2024
Io tagged along; she didn’t say much. However, she observed the town as they walked by. What a colourful quaint town it was! No tall buildings, no vehicles beside the rare cart now and then, mostly used by big stallions to haul stacks of hay, seems like. Course, she couldn’t have known what they wer... View More
Like May 17, 2024
"Well I'mma guess for Public statements, Easier to get letter's and such, and cause it's Supah Cool!" He exclaimed, ending with a cute squeak. Wish He didn't always squeak when happies! "And To Yoooooooooour right is da Sugarcube corner!, But you've might have already been there. Over there used to... View More
Like May 17, 2024
Amy Callihan
"That's it I've had enough with everyone's bull dude." She would run at the stranger with a knife in hand
Like May 16, 2024
You honestly can’t say that you’ve lived in the city if you’ve never been chased by someone armed with a knife. Ío was truly getting that City dweller experience there and then! However, she wasn’t unarmed either. The strange-looking mare’s eyes shot wide open at the sight of Amy’s knife. And, in a... View More
Like May 17, 2024
Amy Callihan
Amy would closely dodge the ray as she jogged in place. Amy had her gun but it would be a losing battle. She chooses to flee!
Like May 17, 2024 Edited
Ío realized she had missed and wasted no time shooting a few more laser rounds against Amy whilst she was still on sight. Missed every single time, since the crazed woman fled like a cockroach as the kitchen’s lights turn on. To this, Io grunted and huffed, “...A rabid one. I should’ve expected suc... View More
Like May 17, 2024
"Huh?" the sand-yellow earth pony looked up, surprised, and stared for a moment, before deciding to be a smartass. "Alright, I'll give you the lowdown. This here's the ground, that there's the sky, and in between is the air. This part of the ground, air and sky is called Equestria, and it's where Ce... View More
Like May 19, 2024
Io stared for a moment after Tality was done explaining, and then there was yet a bigger pause. The girl seemed to be pondering how she should respond to such insultingly low standards. Obviously, she knew where the ground was, and she also knew where the orbit was, she wasn’t dumb! Once the alien ... View More
Like May 19, 2024
Tality laughs nastily at her reaction as Io starts to walk away, then sucks in her breath and trots to catch up. "Hey, sorry to be a jerk and all, but I'm not a local either. But I wasn't tryin' to snub you. You left your question pretty open-ended. Did you want an introduction to Ponyville, Equestr... View More
Like May 20, 2024