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Finally...! Animus has finally been able to open the Mausoleum's door, despite the heavy rock that somebody blocked the door with. He'd been trying to push that door open for almost 30 years, but now ... View More
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Sprout looked over at the mausoleum, looking like she'd just been caught in the middle of doing something naughty. "Wh-wh-who's there???" she asked, starting to shake.
February 2, 2024

"Z-zombie?!" Sprout exclaimed. She leapt to her hooves and started pushing the boulder away. "I-it's okay, zombie or not, I'll help you get outta there!!"
February 4, 2024

Animus Verse
How nice, Sprout’s a true one!
Unfortunately, her prize was shit. Animus, as soon as there was enough space for him to crawl out, dragged himself out that hole in the wall with his hooves.
At first, it was impossible to tell, from the way his cloak was covering his neck. But then he sat up sudden... View More
February 4, 2024

"...zombie?" Sprout tilted her head. "Or are you the Headless Horse?!" She paused. "Wait, you probably can't hear me, can you? No ears. Then again, you are moving on your own..." The apparent pegasus leaned over, looking into Animus' neck hole. "If you can hear me, clap your hooves!"
February 4, 2024

Stickman, The Normal Stickian
Wait... I didn't summon you using my Skull Lantern... how are you even here?!
February 4, 2024

Stickman, The Normal Stickian
*I raise an eyebrow.* An alchemist, ya say? *My hands would suddenly glow with void. I would swipe one out and my Lavos would appear.* Pray tell, have you heard of the legend of the Elemental Executioner?
February 4, 2024

Animus Verse
Animus’ verbal tirade ended as fast as it had begun. But he left an uncomfortable void of silence as he tried to wrap his head around the stranger’s question.
“…No. Sir, I’ve not heard anything in decades.” Animus would’ve raised an eyebrow too… if he had one!
February 4, 2024

Stickman, The Normal Stickian
*I smile.* Very well then, let me tell you. The legend goes that a certain jail warden looked over a prisoner for doing illegal transmutation, or alchemy, in the eyes of the higher ups. While this prisoner was in jail, he would teach these methods to his warden, all while he would disguise these lea... View More
February 4, 2024
// Y'all ever have a character that you desperately want to utilize but it's extremely challenging? That's this guy for me. I really want to bring him to life, but it is kind of hard to do without a h... View More
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I was already thinking that he could just have a ghostly voice and justify it with magic hahahah
January 30, 2024
// Yeah, I am reworking his backstory and I might be polishing him more. As of now he's a character I like and don't want to waste, but I've not worked on him for quite a while. Usually world-building with others is what kickstarts me, so I need to make this work somehow :,D
Pumpkin man’s back for the season! Maybe?
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Animus wants to know what he should replace his head with for the spring season, any suggestions are welcome!
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Ah, yes... time for the yearly headhunt! #rp
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Torch glares at him with muzzle still heavily scronched as he squishes her cheeks. "Shut up!!" She says after he shakes her head around, getting in his face, "YOU've got no marbles!! Just, just listen!!" She grabs him by the pumpkin and starts shaking his.. Not-head around!
October 6, 2022
"???" Animus gasps, "Wait! Don--" he tries to stop her, but it is too late! As Torch gets on his face and grabs him by the pumpkin, it pops right off his nub.
Animus reaches the empty air, but of course, there’s nothing there!
October 6, 2022
Torch almost immediately pries the pumpkin from Animus' stump with nearly no effort. She's left staring at the loosened fruit in her hooves. Slowly, she sets it down to stare wide-eyed at the headless horse standing right in front of her! With a deep breath and exhale, she says, "...What the fwaff."
October 6, 2022
Animus appears to be playing chess by himself at a park’s bench. He makes his move, and then waits for someone on the other side to counter it. #rp
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Animus has spent the majority of his time collecting and polishing old bones. As his collection grows, and begins to take up more and more space off his crypt, he realizes that he may have a little to... View More
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Reid often times visited gravesites. A reminder of the mortality of other and himself. He would have eventually ventured down into the crypt. It had been a long time that he had seen such levels to keep the dead satiated. It was rather refreshing. He would pick up an old skull and he took off his ma... View More
January 11, 2022
"Only stage four patients have died from the disease. Aside from those who died one stage two from manipulation of weak willed people." He would shake his head and itch his face in thought. "Since the blight cannot be cured the person will still have their gained power. Regardless of the status of... View More
January 16, 2022
“… Stage 3, Hmmm…” Animus hums. “Very well. I believe I know everything I wanted to know now.” He sighs. “I’d offer you a drink or something. But I’m afraid nobody has come leave food for their loved ones today.”
January 16, 2022
"I'm not one to take things from the dead, Mister Animus. They may just come back and kill me." He laughed and said. "I mist return to my hospital. I'll check up on you when I'm ready but feel free to visit." He bowed slightly. "Good day."
He would waltz out.
January 18, 2022
*Nitroxus would explode out of confetti and smile to the creature. With a bow, he would wave at them.* Why hello there. I deeply hope that you'll enjoy this place greatly!
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