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Inquisitor Ío
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"It's karaoke night." #rp
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Sprout didn't need to hear any more. "That's my second-favorite three-word sentence to hear. Let's get it on!"
August 24, 2024

This... Was the first time Ghost looked like He just saw a Ghost due to how pale He just turned.
August 25, 2024

The tan pegasus gets on stage and sorta… bunts into the microphone, rubbing his cheeks against it before starting to gnaw on the tasty metal mesh.
August 25, 2024

Peach plum
"Ah was invited to something? Now aint this is lovely," Peach could barely contain herself.
September 6, 2024
What should Ío do next?
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Bringing plagues and misery upon the lands of others is always fun. I might just be old fashioned though.
"What's that?" #rp
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That is my pot of greed which allows me to draw two cards from my deck, pfft just kidding it's just a regular pot.
Phoenix would draw his large scimitar and heft it onto his shoulder "Pretty decent huh?" He boasted with a proud smile "A sword that feeds off the anger of the one using it. I won it in a duel a few years back" He assumed she meant the sword, it was the only thing of note he was carrying.
July 25, 2024
"You wouldn't have been more complex than a fern, if it weren't for genetic recombination." Ío was complimenting you! #rp
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"Indeed. At one time I was not much more than a simple insect. Now I'm a very complicated one"
"I...uh Wah ?" She told them, Thinking she was very complex! Being something that Technically shouldn't even exist!: A Drabbit.
Instant noodles. Ever since Ío discovered instant noodles, her diet has consisted of nothing but noodles. They are the best thing about this planet, they may even be its only redeemable feature, reall... View More
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"Hey, no I get it. If I were stranded in a deserted wasteland and that was the only food I had, I'd be cool with that."
"That's not a theoretical, by the way. I spent a hundred and fifty years there until all the noodles were gone, then I left."
She thinks about that for a second. "You know, I hop... View More
June 19, 2024
If Ío had an accent, what do you think her accent would be? 🤔
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Ío has been following you all day. She hasn't said anything, she only stands there... Menacingly??? #rp
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Io might look inconspicuous, but she was a speedy trigger! The plush was still in midair when she shot it down with her laser gun, turning it to dust instantly. She then spun a wheel at the rear end of her ray gun, switching into a more 'peaceful' mode, and aimed for Ghostbit.
Now, Ghostbit wouldn’... View More
May 24, 2024
Tality glances back every once in a while, wondering why this alien or whatever is following her. "Look, I'm sorry about what I said before. It was a bad joke, made worse by my bad mood, I didn't mean it like that." She smiles, hoping that they'll be able to bury the hatchet.
May 26, 2024
"Hello, I am nurse Ío. Please, clearly communicate your ailment." #rp
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“No. Law…” Io curtly responded, but she did so in a quiet voice, as to not arise suspicion. She beckoned Spins to come closer so that they could whisper secretly. “I took over someone else’s role and replaced their memories to trick them into thinking I’ve always worked here.” Io smiled at the end, ... View More
May 22, 2024
"I chipped one of my teeth" The queen sighed softly "It's messing up my flawless smile"
Io was a nurse, not a dentist. Either way, she was still unqualified for the job, so it didn't make a difference! She took a good view of the chipped tooth whenever Chrys opened her mouth to speak though. "...I see, maybe we can make a mock up to replace it. Now... if only I had some bone matter som... View More
May 22, 2024
Chrysalis thought for a moment "Right.. Bones should not be difficult to acquire" She muttered softly "Very well, thank you"
May 22, 2024
How do you pronounce this character’s name thanks
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