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Narrative Multi-Paragraph
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…The phone rings.
You pick up, and it’s Bill…
“Hey, is your refrigerator running?”... View More
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"Yeah. Hay, do you have Sir Walter Ralneigh in a can?"
February 10, 2024

Bill's mouth formed a small 'o' in astonishment. He'd... actually never heard that line before, he did not know how to follow it. "...a... what in a can???"
February 11, 2024

"Sir Walter Ralneigh," Spins repeated, referring to a brand of tobacco.
February 11, 2024

"As A matter of fact... yeah. It will participate in a competition this weekend. Would you like to support it making a donation of 2 bits to take it to the regionals?" pleaded the pegasus
February 11, 2024


February 11, 2024

Taffy Twister!
“hello?- GET BACK HERE YOU DISLOYAL COLD BOX I OWN YOU” Taffy drops the phone as she furiously flys out the door
February 11, 2024
"Chipi chipi, chapa chapa, dubi dubi, daba daba!" #rp
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Lightning smokes a cigarette as she hears the words. "That cat is taking over the fucking world..."
January 23, 2024
"No... It's a "Shutting the hell up" tool. I wonder if I listen to the bullet hole I'll put in you, you think it'd sound like the ocean?" She said seriously as she would cock hammer back.
"Are you... trying to summon a demon or something?"
January 23, 2024
“I can’t believe they got rid of me just like that…” Bill lamented, “… I was with them over 10 years, and even did my internship there. And this is how it all ends?” He ugly sobbed.
His vanilla milk... View More
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Amy would have a milkshake. It seems familiar somehow
Amy then cleared her throat. She wiped her face to clear any laughs. Amy placed a hand on his should. "Hey, there, pal. So... You're out of a job, huh? Well, looks like you have vented in the wrong place but right time pal."
Amy grinned at hi... View More
She would be watching his emotions go from one to another. Just an oddball, they're all the same out here. She drank part of the milkshake. Also, Amy would never do that. Clearly she bought it.
"A paper pusher? Hm." She would put her hands together before raising a brow. She tapped the bar table... View More
January 17, 2024
"...a butler?" Bill blinked once or twice. Fair, the tasks that Amy described weren't that far removed from his old job... but still, something about becoming a domestic worker as opposed to spending his days rotting in an office seemed to upset him. "It's better than nothing..." he half-heartedly m... View More
January 18, 2024
"Listen." She would gently caress her right shoulder, as she was in his right. She plainly said. "True. However, your job isn't tea making. It's more like you're my better half." She would slide her hand away to grasp her fists together. "I need someone who will be there for me. I want you to like m... View More
January 18, 2024
"Work accident. A fall, actually. And you might be wondering how can a pegasus fall. Well, in some chemical plants flying is forbidden due security reasons. I worked in a brewery and the air was usually full of alcohol and other flamable gases. So flying was dangerous. When we fly, our feathers char... View More
After listening to that entire saga, Bill couldn't do much more other than to stare at him in bewilderment. The eventual blink and/or grimace was an added detail to indicate that he was in fact listening. And still, at the end of Petricor's tragic (and somewhat gruesome) tale, the other only had thi... View More
January 18, 2024
"That's crazy," she said, "I just got a new job at a big office company! Maybe you should try applying there? I heard they just got rid of a lot of workers..."
"You must be the new guy, I've never seen you around here before." Weevil curiously examines you, he's not even trying to be subtle about it. He's gauging something. "...What's your position?" he squi... View More
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"Dude. I'm just here to deliver a package. I need you to sign for it."
October 22, 2023
Soon as the stylus was available to him, he provided the signature. It must have been office supplies or something like that. “Mhm, not my usual shift, but our old night guard isn’t coming today.”
Weevil scoffed, “or so I hope. Heard he passed away sometime this afternoon. Heart attack. He was a n... View More
October 22, 2023
"So you guys are having some staffing issues too huh?" At this point, Nar sets the box he was carrying onto the nearest table/desk. It makes a pretty hefty thud as a result. "Yeah. We've been having issues finding delivery drivers where I work too. Part of the reason I got here so late."
Nar then ... View More
October 22, 2023
Bill’s brows arched lightly in response to that thud. It couldn’t have been office supplies… so, what was it? a printer? He blinked once and tossed that thought to the back of his head, seamlessly continuing his conversation with the mysterious delivery boy. “Momentarily…” he grinned.
He shrugged, ... View More
October 23, 2023
Whenever Weevil washes his hands, he also washes his face like a fly.
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Upon seeing this Wisp is filled with musical inspiration and begins to sing
October 21, 2023
Bill spreads his wings out to their whole span. "Get the ruler, we're settling this once and for all!" #rp
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"But...I didn't say anything! My wing span is average for my size!"
Cara sighed dramatically and fetched a ruler. She then spread a wing and held the ruler up to it. "See!"
Her wing fluff made them just over average! Just the fluff!
March 7, 2023
Silverspark:looking at own wings then to Bill's before saying "when was the last time you clean your wings you got broken feathers sticking out "she said
March 7, 2023
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