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Female. Lives in  Ponyville,  Equestria. Born on May 15, 1993
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Cute ponies
108 Members
“Damn Winter. When will it end?! I can’t stand these cold nights shivering. I have to sleep with 5 blankets on! Oh Spring, please come in full bloom soon!” 🌸
“Aphids!” The mare exclaimed. “Pesky aphids have made it to my beloved rose bushes! I need some lady bugs. Quick!”
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Griff Adler
Griff just stands there like a buffoon; a bug fearing buffoon at that.
Like May 18, 2022
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Griff Adler
With an audible gulp, he hurriedly snags a pint-sized bucket of ladybugs. Oh gods, how they crawled…he could hear the soft clicking of all their scurrying, and the bumping of their elytra… squealing like a filly, he snaps his head in the opposite direction as he empties the bucket’s contents all ove... View More
Like May 18, 2022
The ladybugs poured out and took over the Rose bushes. The mare didn’t mind them, since they were beneficial for her garden. It wasn’t long before the ladybugs settled in place and started doing their job. The mare sighed in relief as she glanced over at Griff. “Thank you so much for those! I’m so h... View More
Like May 18, 2022
Griff Adler
A nervous outward lean and chuckle was the most he could offer in response. Although he is very, *very* well versed in the "bigger creature" mentality, he still couldn't help but cower at the mere mention of an insect. And of course, this led to judging stares; most ponies did not take very kindly ... View More
Like May 18, 2022
“If you’re feeling down or overwhelmed, stop, take a deep breath, and take a moment to smell the flowers for a minute or two. It’s one of life’s simple pleasures. You may feel relaxed afterwards.” 🌸
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"I prefer the taste of liquid hops."
Like May 18, 2022
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Her ear twitched at the sound of the bottle opening. She turns to see him drinking out of it, the bottle sweating from the condensation. “Oh, is that what you’re drinking right now? Looks refreshing!” She smiled like an idiot. She wasn’t quite the sharpest tool in the shed.
Like May 18, 2022
The beer was indeed ice cold! Small drops would run down the glass bottle. Roger isn't sure if she really knows beer or if she's trolling him, a moment of silence before he speaks up, holding the beer under her nose, it would have a bitter smell to it "Yes, that's cold hops tea" he smirks "give it a... View More
Like May 18, 2022
The smell from the bottle made her nose scrunch. It was certainly an… unexpected smell. One she wasn’t used to for tea. She gave an awkward smile, trying not to offend. “What… an exotic smell. How kind of you to share!” She wasn’t quite sure what she was getting herself into, but she sure loved tea.... View More
Like May 18, 2022
Many moons ago, my main source of communication had been destroyed. My laptop. But now I’ve gotten a new device, and have recovered my password to here!
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would just hug Lillabelle.* Glad that you returned.
Like May 16, 2022
Stardusk Strider
Good morning!
Like May 16, 2022
Good afternoon haha
Like May 16, 2022
“Everyone here is so wonderful and you all deserve to know it. Comment on this status and I’ll say something I like about you~” 💕
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Green Leaf
"Its always nice to hear such positivity."
Like October 7, 2019
"You're so neon, you'd be the light of the party wherever you go!"
Like October 7, 2019
Green Leaf
"Haha! I knew my color would be associated with something cool!"
Like October 8, 2019
Zia and Friends
“Positive energy is best energy.” Zia commented with a smile
Like October 7, 2019
"Your necklace is beautiful! Absolutely a look! And the shape of your eyes are so elegant and lovely!"
Like October 7, 2019
Zia and Friends
“Thank you. I’ve had this locket forever. Also I haven’t always had this look.” She chuckles nervously
Like October 8, 2019
The fawn raises her hoof “i think all could use positivity here”
Like October 7, 2019
"Oh, you're just a beauty. Your mane is a lovely color and it flows so beautifully. I also love your horns!"
Like October 7, 2019
"I'll take some positives..." *yawns*
Like October 7, 2019
The mare looks Amuka over up and down, amazed. "Well, I'll start off by saying I've never seen anything like you before but... you're standing on two legs? That's amazing! And your mane. So sleek and long!"
Like October 7, 2019
"Awwww, thanks." She replied patting Lillabelle on the head.
Like October 7, 2019
What are the Elements of Harmony again? Wrong answers only.
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Stardusk Strider
Definitely not Keith
Like October 3, 2019
Asteria Bleu
when the allegra kicks in
Like October 3, 2019
This speaks to me
Like October 3, 2019
Asteria Bleu
Like October 4, 2019
Theodosia Graham
Really powerful drugs. Very expensive. Very exclusive. If you know what I'm saying. So, you interested?
Like October 3, 2019
How much for an ounce of "Laughter" and "Magic"?
Like October 3, 2019
Carmen Gumshoe
peanut butter, bananas and really soft bread
Like October 3, 2019
say what now?
Like October 3, 2019
Carmen Gumshoe
my own personal elements of harmony... just saying, the show would be better if we did my thing
Like October 3, 2019
*Stares confused*
Like October 3, 2019
//It's my first time back in months. To anybody I was rping with, I'm sorry for being MIA. I'm sure everyone here understands life happens and I had things I needed to put my focus on. I hope everythi... View More
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Alexander 'Crow' Kingston
//welcome back goober
Like September 29, 2019
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Like September 29, 2019
Alexander 'Crow' Kingston
Like September 29, 2019
//Fine, I'll be nice and stop you goob
Like September 29, 2019
Artwork by the lovely Dr. Marina Bleu! She's so talented and her work is great quality! Please, check out her deviant art and donate points to her! Check her out here: View More
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Dr. Marina Bleu
omg i just saw this, thank you!!’
Like June 21, 2019
No, thank YOU! <3
Like June 21, 2019
Princess Neon Synthwave
Like June 21, 2019
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Princess Neon Synthwave
Incredibly adorbs
Like June 21, 2019
Like June 21, 2019
Princess Neon Synthwave
I don't think we can escalate it higher
Like June 21, 2019
Cynbel Ferode
Ooh, this looks great!
Like June 21, 2019
The artist is to thank <3
Like June 21, 2019
Gallant Frost
Like June 21, 2019
"Thank you!"
Like June 21, 2019
Gallant Frost
Like June 21, 2019
“Who would like to grab a cup of hot coffee with me?”
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No. I need my espresso to be cooled with some almond milk and some cinnamon dusted on top
Like June 18, 2019
Strawberry "Berry" Cream
“Why waste your time when you can get a hot-coffee smoothie instead? I... don’t know how to get the ice to stop melting. It’s just watered down coffee.”
Like June 18, 2019
"hmm... well, frappachccinos are a thing. You just have to blend the ice, coffee, and any other ingredients into a blender so that the ice doesn't just melt.."
Like June 18, 2019
Strawberry "Berry" Cream
Strawberry lowered her head. "I, uh... completely forgot about those. Heh, whoops."
Like June 18, 2019
Bright Brave
Like June 18, 2019
"You're certainly excited about getting some caffeine. You're not already caffeinated, are you? "
Like June 18, 2019
Bright Brave
"Nope. Just excited about pretty mares. Coffee helps too."
Like June 19, 2019
She chuckles, “Well, as long as you’re not overly caffeinated. Too much is bad for you.”
Like June 19, 2019
Celtic Cross
Like June 19, 2019
Let’s get another round of feel-goods. Comment on my status and I’ll compliment you on something I like about you.
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Bright Brave
Like May 26, 2019
Your red bandana gives really compliments your entire appearance. Maybe I can wear it sometime? Though I won’t pull it off as well as you ❤️
Like May 26, 2019
Eerba tilted her head, "Why, a compliment without one returned in favor is improper, allow me to go first if you will." The bat pony mare bowed her head, then scanned Lillabelle for a moment. She smiled warmly. "Your colors are quite refreshing, such a lovely pink mane on an enchanting blue coat."
Like May 26, 2019
Thank you so much! That’s such a lovely compliment and it really made me smile! As for you, i absolutely love your mane. It’s a beautiful blue shade and with your dark coat it reminds me of the night sky. Your eyes are also very alluring ❤️
Like May 26, 2019
Martin Sinclair
Like May 28, 2019
Commander Wyatt Ryder
VALIDATE MY INSECURE ASS- err I mean, yeah sure, that'd be nice, cheers... >_>
Like May 28, 2019 Edited
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