Novaya Zemlya

Female. Lives in  Manehattan,  Equestria. 31 years old
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Novaya Zemlya
More pretty hors. Artwork by Shooshaa this time
15 people like this.
Minsa Rousain
Woah, seeing double because I follow this artist on ych too lol! Love it!!!
Like May 16, 2021
Novaya Zemlya
Hehe right? Their art is really nice!
Like May 16, 2021
Novaya Zemlya
Pretty gal going "Heeeeey!" Artwork by Chubs
17 people like this.
Amity Guard
Hey girl heeeeeey
Like May 12, 2021
Novaya Zemlya
17 people like this.
Gray Rivers Alto Yuri
Looking "like" a couple, Hmmmm :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Like May 8, 2021
Silver Bullet
Like doesn't mean actually!
Like May 8, 2021
Novaya Zemlya
//(Edit I did made it very small oopsie)
Like May 8, 2021 Edited
Bright Brave
This is some real meta manure right here.
Like May 8, 2021
Amity Guard
Gal pals gal pals
Like May 8, 2021
Novaya Zemlya
9 people like this.
Silver Bullet
:disappointed: Thanks babe, the whole world should know my name.
Like March 12, 2021 Edited
Novaya Zemlya
Pretty girl time :sparkles:
24 people like this.
Lula Vieve
she's so hot
Like March 1, 2021 Edited
Novaya Zemlya
no u <3
Like March 1, 2021
Scratch Star
Scratch blushes where she sees Nova ya and begins to wonder if she's gay (Scratch not Novaya)
Like March 1, 2021
Like March 2, 2021
Pretty girl indeed
Like March 2, 2021
Novaya Zemlya
What could TikTok's hottest star possibly be spending his valentine on? With plenty of adoring fans desperate for his attention surely he had at least one date lined up for the day... right? No, Novo... View More
2 people like this.
Kadai Montanya
Kadai was on there, giving the camera a cheeky grin selfie with one hoof behind his head. His interests read; Working out, long distance jogs, travelling, and cold weather! Swipe right for pics hmu :cupid:
Like February 14, 2021
Novaya Zemlya
Hmm... judging from the one picture available to see he looked pretty good. And the profile text... Novo could use a work out buddy. The TikToker decided to swipe right, whether or not it was mainly to see more pictures of the other guy was anyone's guess. Of course, it wasn't a guarantee that the... View More
Like February 14, 2021
Eva popped up on his feed. she had plenty of information and cute photos. She seemed to have been a flyer from a young age and went straight on to the Wonderbolt reserves, and damn did she look good in the uniform. there were also pictures of her in various places she had been on duty. While she had... View More
Like February 14, 2021
Novaya Zemlya
A cute girl, hm? Novo swiped back and forth between her pictures. Lots of eye candy and personality, not that the latter mattered much to Novo. He swiped right, who knew, she could be fun to chat with.
Like February 14, 2021
Novo popped on Eva's feed. she at first didn't recognize him, but after reading his bio and looking at his photos, she remembered who he was from their previous interaction and shrugged, swiping right for shits and giggles
Like February 14, 2021
Silver Bullet
Alas Barbecue would come up on the stallions feed, as of why couldn’t be explained, the man either swung both ways or he didn’t have any clue what he was doing... but his profile reflected otherwise. Among the pictures was a fight to make him standout and seem interesting, yet independent. One was... View More
Like February 14, 2021 Edited
Novaya Zemlya
Novo was taken by complete surprise when Silver Barbecue's familiar face popped onto his screen. It was the guy from the burger place. Novo swiped through his pictures with a surprising amount of enthusiasm. The picture with the roses was very unexpected and Novo panicked, nearly dropping is phone... View More
Like February 14, 2021
Silver Bullet
Now on the other side of the wherever this had taken place, Barbecue was completely unaware of the reaction that the pony who had seen him on the screen. Meanwhile, he was surprised enough when he heard his phone let out a long 'PING' as it lit up on the screen that he was superliked by someone. ... View More
Like February 14, 2021
Novaya Zemlya
After the Silver Barbecue incident Novo had put away his phone to focus on the chocolates for a bit, however it was soon back in his hooves as he received a notification on his phone.... A new match. And a message. He opened it and to his surprise Silver had messaged him. After a minute or two of i... View More
Like February 15, 2021
Yami Crosshide
who are you *yami ask as he poofed into existence cause...he was bored*
Like February 15, 2021 Edited
Novaya Zemlya
check out the drip :tongue: :sweat_drops: bet i can afford u if i can afford this lol :smirk: :zany_face: :zany_face:
14 people like this.
Bright Brave
That die young vibe.
Like February 2, 2021
Novaya Zemlya
yolo amirite bro :zany_face:
Like February 2, 2021
Bright Brave
Yo. Low.
Like February 2, 2021
Carmen Gumshoe
hate it but love it!
Like February 2, 2021
Novaya Zemlya
You should... it was your idea after all
Like February 2, 2021
Carmen Gumshoe
i will try and not give you ideas anymore, stop listening to my thought diarrhea
Like February 2, 2021
Briea Lyn Miller
Pink had to resist gagging, instead, the family sass came out. "Hun, as someone who earned her fortune, I can tell when someone has poor taste with theirs, and i can safely say that's a terrible way to spend your dad's money"
Like February 2, 2021
Hey one question Why
Like February 2, 2021
Novaya Zemlya
hey girlies :wink: (and cute boys :see_no_evil:) its ya boy :sunglasses: hope ur remembering :shushing_face: to stay hydrated :sweat_drops: especially when things are getting so hot :fire: :hot_peppe... View More
22 people like this.
Polo Fastter
polo just looked at him and said "why are you like this?"
Like February 1, 2021
Novaya Zemlya
like what? incredibly attractive? :weary: i was born this way baby
Like February 1, 2021
Polo Fastter
"i dated changelings hotter then you creep" polo said
Like February 1, 2021
Silver Bullet
SBBQ can tell that he is looking at a man of culture.
Like February 1, 2021
Like February 1, 2021
follow 4 follow pls
Like February 2, 2021
Novaya Zemlya
ship meme feat. and
10 people like this.
Carmen Gumshoe
thank you our wonderful maid of honor!
Like December 27, 2020
Silver Bullet
Silver is sending Carmine back to school.
Like December 27, 2020
Novaya Zemlya
(Small RP thing) Novaya was slowly making her way through the city, on her way to a photo shoot. She was walking abnormally slow, probably being a nuisance to the busy city-ponies, but seemed complet... View More
1 person liked this.
Asuka Yakushi
It took a second for Asuka to realize she had bumped into a pony, and not a mailbox, or light post. "Oh! It's okay." She did her best to smile, but the bags under her eyes weren't helping her looks. She was still in her uniform at the moment. It wasn't exactly clean, but not a mess either. Just dirt... View More
Like October 26, 2019
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Asuka Yakushi
"That's as good a reason as any. Even the princesses(or princes) need to get out every once and a while. It doesn't seem like you're getting swarmed either so all's well right?" Asuka chuckles ever so slightly. "I was going to take the tram home today, but there was a delay, and it's just faster if ... View More
Like October 26, 2019
Novaya Zemlya
Novaya considered the other mare's offer for a moment. Having some company would probably be good for her... And clearly it seemed that talking to this mare had made her feel better already... "Well, if it's in the same general direction as you're already headed then I wouldn't mind it one bit. I'm ... View More
Like October 27, 2019
Asuka Yakushi
"Sunrise Avenue isn't too far from where I'm headed, so I don't mind." She responds with a smile as she re-orients herself to go the same direction as Novaya. "I might be able to catch a tram once we get there." Asuka didn't really mind if it took her longer to get home. The company was nice after a... View More
Like October 27, 2019
Chiller Sway
"Oh? Oh don't sweat it ma'a--" The confused state if the mare gave him pause. "Something wrong?" (Edit: here I was thinkin' I was the first person commenting. This is why you always open the post in another tab)
Like October 26, 2019 Edited
Novaya Zemlya
(Also edit to respond to your edit: I'm treating each of these comments as an individual encounter so each comment is basically like the first comment ^^) She put a hoof to her head, blinking a couple of times to regain focus in her vision. "I... uh, probably just.... I don't know...." She didn't r... View More
Like October 26, 2019 Edited
Prince Hawk Zephyrus
By the time the dragon was doing little shopping, but the worst would be to come, as Hawk was in the wrong time and in the wrong place, exiting from the shop with a bag full of raspberries, but it would all come to an end once the two collided on pedestrian walk, in the beginning the prince was take... View More
Like October 26, 2019
View 4 more replies
Novaya Zemlya
The model smiled as he accepted her offer to repay him. "Oh please, it's the least I can do." She was a bit surprised by the way he mentioned 'Equestrian' as if he wasn't from there himself. She considered asking about it, but with the way he would stare into her eyes she couldn't help but feel a bi... View More
Like October 27, 2019 Edited
Prince Hawk Zephyrus
The dragon returned a warm smile, but the smile soon disappeared once his senses picked up distinctive sense of fear emitting from the mare, it wouldn't take very long for the dragon to realise the grave mistake he had made, after all he knows very little about Equestrians, but he had to break the e... View More
Like October 27, 2019
Princess Neon Synthwave
Neon saw the mare and proceeded to call out. "Hey Novaya!" She said waiting for the mare's response. Her eyes looking down hoping she'd hear
Like October 27, 2019
Gabriella Snowfeather
The Gryphoness shook her head a bit as she said, “Oh.. no I’m sorry. It seems I was not as careful as I usually am..” She opened her eyes though Novaya could see the dull blind grey of the gryphon’s eyes, “C-can I help you up?” She asked, extending a claw towards the pony who had fallen, “I hope you... View More
Like October 27, 2019
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