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Animus Verse

Male. Lives in  Everfree Forest,  Equestria. Born on November 2, 1981
Roleplay Availability
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Status Update

Animus Verse
// Y'all ever have a character that you desperately want to utilize but it's extremely challenging? That's this guy for me. I really want to bring him to life, but it is kind of hard to do without a h... View More
3 people like this.
Polo Fastter
(Have him able to pain a face on object and be able to talk.)
Like January 30, 2024
Animus Verse
I was already thinking that he could just have a ghostly voice and justify it with magic hahahah
Like January 30, 2024
Polo Fastter
That will work.
Like January 30, 2024
Vy Thresh
|| Ooh, a headless character sounds quite interesting. Understandably difficult to use in roleplay. Could work really well in other things like stories, games, and art however. ||
Like January 30, 2024
Animus Verse
// Yeah, I am reworking his backstory and I might be polishing him more. As of now he's a character I like and don't want to waste, but I've not worked on him for quite a while. Usually world-building with others is what kickstarts me, so I need to make this work somehow :,D
Like January 31, 2024
Little Leaf
just do it
Like February 1, 2024
Little Leaf
it will all come in due time!
Like February 1, 2024