Status Update
The cold autumn wind continues to blow, plucking the dead auburn leaves from their dry branches. With winter around the corner, its days and nights growing colder and colder, Animus is forced out of t... View MoreThe cold autumn wind continues to blow, plucking the dead auburn leaves from their dry branches. With winter around the corner, its days and nights growing colder and colder, Animus is forced out of the forest.
He mostly keeps to himself and remains at the outskirts of town. His favorite area being the graveyard, where he could find temporary shelter at the mausoleum, as well as food and drink in the form of the offerings the living bring to their dead on occasion.
Animus tries to remain by the elder tombs, those that had already been forgotten by time. But old forgotten corpses get no gifts. So, every now and then he takes a stroll to see if he can find anything new. His newest acquisition was a bottle of red wine, probably a favorite of the deceased. Well, the old man wouldn’t need it anymore and Animus was in dire need of something to warm himself.
He retreats to his favorite mausoleum and pops the bottle open with his teeth. A rudimentary method for a unicorn, but Animus’ horn was useless as it was merely a mirage of what had once been. He spits whatever taste of cork was left in his mouth and immediately pins the bottle. Down the hatch it goes. Bitter. Animus grimaces, coughs and clears his throat after the mouthful.