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Princess Silky ❤ · Public Relations

Your local huggable silly filly! /)

Female. Lives in  Manehattan,  Equestria.
Roleplay Availability
About Me
Hi, everybody! My name is Starsilk and I am absolutely excited about meeting new people and making new friends. ;~; Everyone seems to interesting.
I cannot wait to call this place my home. *glances about with sparkling aquamarine eyes of deep admiration*
Roleplay Universe
Roleplay Type
User Achievements
Ponies of Pony Town
101 Members
My Little Minecraft
42 Members
-left a trail candy hearts -
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Princess Silky ❤
Like January 27, 2024
You know something 2023 was quite a year for me and I bets the same for everyone this year I mean when I first came in this site I was kind of scared of what to expect in here and quickly enough I mad... View More
4 people like this.
Silky is great ;~;
Like December 30, 2023
Princess Silky ❤
Don’t let him lie to you, Silverspark. It’s him. He’s the great one D:
Like December 30, 2023
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Stardusk Strider
I attest to the fact that Silky is the bestest
Like December 30, 2023
Princess Silky ❤
This is treason D:
Like January 27, 2024
Silky is #1!
Like January 27, 2024
Nitroxus Soulspins
Thank you greatly Silverspark.
Like December 31, 2023
Your all great
Like January 27, 2024
Silverspark:a teenage filly sitting Outside Silky's house sitting at the table with some drawings of the things she had seen so far including what she seen starting with a pink Pegasus that changed he... View More
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Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would walk up to Princess Silky as she was just outside. The green stallion would hug them, petting her mane as well.* I missed you so much...
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Princess Silky ❤
Oh, dear lovely. How I have missed your presence and positivity as well. How have you been?
Like August 15, 2023
Nitroxus Soulspins
*Nitroxus would quiver his lip.* Been doing great, just feeling more drained. Like is this how my cousin Seablur felt right before he retired? I just wish I could keep hugging a great friend.
Like August 15, 2023
Princess Silky ❤
The pink Pegasus would gently open her hooves with invitation, offering the comfort and protection of a guardian friend. “Drained? Would you like to discuss why? Did you give your all to something and did not get the recharge back? Do you simply lack motivation? What direction would you like your ... View More
Like August 15, 2023
Nitroxus Soulspins
Well to be honest, I feel like I giving out a lot of my energy and no reasonable returns. As well, more recently I noticed that I been having a slight manic energy at the moment. Yet, I still wish to spread joy to the world around. I just think I go unnoticed by many, and I'm alright with that now.
Like August 16, 2023
you really gotta visit this place more often
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Princess Silky ❤
Well, it seems I have been summoned. So, I am here. *visits* c:
Like August 10, 2023
want to a special role play where Silky meets Newmoon I tried the Picnic thing it didn't work
Like August 10, 2023
Princess Silky ❤
Like August 10, 2023
Silverspark:A small filly flying super fast giggling. "Come on, slow poke. The house is this way. We live in a duplex we have changelings living on the upstairs floor, but they are nice, and maybe you can trade potion recipes with my adoptive mom and my new adoptive sister. "She was super exci... View More
Like August 12, 2023 Edited
Props Valroa
I love you Silky.
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Princess Silky ❤
Oh my gosh. My heart just melted :mlp_laugh:
Like June 24, 2023
-dressed as a teddy bear among the the other stuffed animals -
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Princess Silky ❤
-huggles her-
Like April 19, 2023
Like April 19, 2023
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
*A month has passed. It was wedding time and everyone was going to be there. I had my fanciest tuxedo on.* Heh. Can't believe I'm finally getting married. So many of mine and Skystar's friends are gon... View More
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Stickman, The Normal Stickian
(Oh I don't wanna leave outta this, he is a good friend of mine, so I'll tag him too.)
Like February 14, 2023
//is this in fates?
Like February 15, 2023
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
(Nah. It's mostly canon to my main timeline. I'll usually specify if it's taking place in fates. The Fate's Judgement version of the wedding however is slightly different to adjust around what's going on currently within that rp, which I'll get to doing eventually. Wanted to get the main version of ... View More
Like February 15, 2023 Edited
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
(Just didn't wanna leave ya out of this, that's all.)
Like February 15, 2023
Jewel, The Teal Hippogriff
*Jewel would be there in her fanciest dress.* Brother! *Jewel would hug Stickman.* I'm so happy you're getting married. Seems like you went all-out for this. *She would look at our family getting used to their hippogriff forms.* Our family showed up for your big day. You're probably needing to greet... View More
Like February 15, 2023
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Jewel, The Teal Hippogriff
*Jewel would talk with Blu.* Wonder why Stickman would invite Nega Stickbot Alpha. He's terrorized millions! (Blu) I mean... he wouldn't want to leave his enemy out of this. Look at him, he ain't hurting anyone. *Blu was right, Nega Stickbot Alpha was just chatting with the guests that arrived.* Fai... View More
Like February 19, 2023
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
*I would be chatting with the other guests.* Heh. This day is going to be great once the ceremonies start. *I smile.*
Like February 21, 2023
Jewel, The Teal Hippogriff
*Jewel would get up from her seat and go check on the preparations for the reception.* How are things looking? *Mimi, Flashwing, and Pinkie Pie were working on the stuff for the wedding.* (Pinkie Pie) It's going great! (Flashwing) I'm putting the finishing touches for the stuff for the dragons. Good... View More
Like February 21, 2023
Skystar, The Hippogriff Princess
*Skystar was getting ready for the wedding in a separate area. She had the best fashion designer bring her her custom-made dress.* I'm so happy that a day like this can finally happen. Though... wonder what will happen with the kingdom once this happens. Or our lives. *She thinks.*
Like February 15, 2023
Happy Hearts and Hooves Day (aka Singles Awareness Day) everyone! Whether you're happily taken or looking for that special friend, be sure to join our matchmaking roleplay event hosted by ... View More
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Princess Silky ❤
Happy Hearts and Hooves day, Comp! What say you that we cause some mischief? c:
Like February 14, 2023
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Stickman, The Normal Stickian
You both better not mess with mine and Skystar's date *Extendo eyes*
Like February 14, 2023
You can register as a couple. :)
Like February 14, 2023
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
No I meant cause some chaos on our date, seeing as you two were gonna cause some chaos lol. But in all seriousness, yeh
Like February 14, 2023
//if I wasn't working I'd probably be all for it but I can't nor was I prepared this year on only social media platforms except maybe instagram.
Like February 14, 2023
It's a month long event. You have time.
Like February 14, 2023
And I work most of the time along with catching up on sleep. My job can sometimes be mentally taxing.
Like February 15, 2023
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
The full Stickman HQ ship, ready to fly high!
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Stickman, The Normal Stickian
I wanna give a HUGE thanks to for helping me with my ship. I probably wouldn't have gotten one without him, lol.
Like February 9, 2023
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
And now I got all the Parrot-themed equipment. Movin' up in the world, methinks! Hehe
Like February 9, 2023
Knight Wolf
You turds have been playing together? I am shooketh
Like February 9, 2023
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Stickman, The Normal Stickian
Oh I didn't mean now, lol. I meant like anytime you're not terribly busy. Invitation's always open whenever you wanna sail the Sea of Thieves with captain Stickman here. I'll even help ya get your own, like how Flam helped me.
Like February 9, 2023 Edited
Knight Wolf
I used to play with a few other friends, we got a decently big ship
Like February 9, 2023
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
Nice. Well, if ya ever want to sail the sea of Thieves, lemme know... provided I'm not serving at the Waffle House or away from my computer... or working on my new Fort on Runescape (come monday), lol.
Like February 9, 2023 Edited
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