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Upon the Ashes of Rainbow Apocalypse
**Optional Side Quest** Are you a friend or a foe? *The pink filly would say looking at you. While her eyes was hidden by her mane, you felt like she was still staring at you. She would try to touch ... View More
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"Sprouting Bulb," Sprout answered, figuring this was another trap. For some inexplicable reason, she just loved falling for traps.
Like August 23, 2024
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Upon the Ashes of Rainbow Apocalypse
If you want to.
Like September 5, 2024
"Sure, I'll stay the night. Got nothin better to do." She smiled wide. "You wouldn't happen to know where I could find a clonin facility, would you?"
Like September 5, 2024
Upon the Ashes of Rainbow Apocalypse
A cloning facility? I don't even know what that is. Just to warn you, the house is a mess.
Like September 6, 2024
Upon the Ashes of Rainbow Apocalypse
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Upon the Ashes of Rainbow Apocalypse
//Due to Popular Demand, We will continue this event until Sep 20th for this year.
Like September 1, 2024
Upon the Ashes of Rainbow Apocalypse
//A Welcome Back RP Adventure *From the Aftermath of Nitronic's Blast in Green Hell, the closest affected area was a new awoken area. The Black Mist Bog. The area was always blanketed by the black mi... View More
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Spinneret CN52 approached the bog, looking down at the metal attachment on her hoof. Said attachment served as a flamethrower, memory storage device, and life support system. The Rainbow Apocalypse had given Spinneret pyromancy at the cost of being unable to touch water, so she reached into her ba... View More
Like August 3, 2024
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Upon the Ashes of Rainbow Apocalypse
*A magical wooden door would appear in front of her. Bidding her to open it.*
Like August 8, 2024
She flinched at the sudden appearance of the door, then cautiously opened it.
Like August 8, 2024
Upon the Ashes of Rainbow Apocalypse
*She would find herself out of the maze. Outside of the Black Mist Bog, with no entry back inside. Now, this traveler was equipped with a tool for their time, Upon the Ashes of Rainbow Apocalypse....* //End
Like August 8, 2024
The Drabbit had heard of this place but never dared to Explore it until now, Having "Borrowed" a Tattered Blanket, she wrapped it around her mouth to create a Cloak/Scarf of some kind, But it gave her a strange case of Familarity that She couldn't explain. However She pushed that down her sub-concio... View More
Like August 3, 2024
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Upon the Ashes of Rainbow Apocalypse
*She was freed from the Black Mist Bog. Complete with a mirror, that can proof to be useful for their future. Looking back, the black mist was back, preventing entry once again.*
Like August 7, 2024
She just stared at it in Pure confusion, Before taking the mirror and returning to where she was living at, A Destroyed home with junk filling in the gaps.
Like August 7, 2024 Edited
Upon the Ashes of Rainbow Apocalypse
*Now, this traveler would be equipped with a tool for their time, Upon the Ashes of Rainbow Apocalypse....* //End
Like August 7, 2024
Polo Fastter
"A maze out here? Sheep mind waiting out here for awhile." Sivanro started walking down the path while bored. He had a sword and nothing else on him.
Like August 3, 2024
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Upon the Ashes of Rainbow Apocalypse
*He wasn't allowed to leave either. He must take 1 reward to be let free.*
Like August 11, 2024
Polo Fastter
He took the gem before leaving.
Like August 11, 2024
Upon the Ashes of Rainbow Apocalypse
*The door sent him out. Now, this Traveler would be equipped with a tool for their time, Upon the Ashes of Rainbow Apocalypse...*
Like August 11, 2024
Upon the Ashes of Rainbow Apocalypse
//Welcome back to "Upon The Ashes of the Rainbow Apocalypse". It has been a full year and we hope that you're excited to return with us. Here some announcements and events that will be hosted here. W... View More
Upon the Ashes of Rainbow Apocalypse
*Nitronic would been seen in Green Hell, there was a small beam of light coming from the sky. He was trying contain this very energy, yet he was still a pony. Causing a small localized black hole in h... View More
Upon the Ashes of Rainbow Apocalypse
*Nitronic would convert a hidden entry point of the Great Bunker in Green Hell. He was going to hide this entry point, from possible intruders. He looked at the bright warm sky. Something amiss, and h... View More
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Upon the Ashes of Rainbow Apocalypse
Hello to all. We will be returning this August. We now urge all future players who will enter our gate, to now start work their character's sheets. We hope that this year, will be most excellent.
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Frick Yea!
Like May 21, 2024
Like May 21, 2024
Calaco Fleethoof
I shall endeavor to remember this time
Like May 21, 2024
Stickman, The Normal Stickian
I'll be including a few new players to the board for this year's event!
Like May 22, 2024
Upon the Ashes of Rainbow Apocalypse
//We deeply apologize for the *very* long wait. For the Fine Four Winners. Below is the link, that you may download your Exclusive Comic Covers. We again deeply apologize for the wait. https://drive.... View More
Upon the Ashes of Rainbow Apocalypse
The event is officially over. Thank you to everyone who participated, or at least browsed the page!
Upon the Ashes of Rainbow Apocalypse
The art raffle has concluded! Given that we only have exactly 4 applicants for the 4 slots, there is no need for a raffle. Winners are:... View More
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wait Comic cover!? :o
Like September 1, 2023
Upon the Ashes of Rainbow Apocalypse
Yessiree, a comic cover starring your character! *stated in the second paragraph of the raffle announcement blog (*
Like September 1, 2023
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