Friendship Letters
Channel 2, 8 PM, Equestria Tonight Entertainment News block
The show begins with an opening jingle, and the show's logo transitioning off screen as a camera pans in to a fancy studio. In the middle of the studio sits a large, marble desk, with marble pillars on each side. Behind the desk sit two hosts, with a large screen displaying the show's logo behind them. On the left sits a mare with purple hair that glows, and shifts like a nebula. On the right, a stallion with bright, orange hair, and a beard of flame that flickers, and flares. The mare sports a sparkling, deep blue dress over black fur, while the stallion wears a sharp, white tuxedo with a flaming, orange bow tie over brilliant, white fur.
When the camera comes to a rest, the mare takes a deep breath, and bellows a greeting while sporting a dazzling smile. "Good evening Equestria! I'm Andromeda!" "And I'm Solar Flare!" The stallion adds, before the mare continues. "And thank you for tuning in to Equestria tonight! Your place for all things entertainment news!" The camera then cuts to a close up of the stallion. "Some good stories for you all tonight. A new decree from the king could spell great fortune for the Canterlot Royal Orchestra." Then, the camera cuts to a close up of the mare. "And the Fullnbright foundation just released a new line of designer clothing, where 100% of the profits go to charity! We got an exclusive interview with the foundation's founder, Mandy Fullbright, which we'll be bringing to you, tonight!" Then, the camera cuts back to the shot of the desk. The stallion takes a deep breath, then bellows. "But before all that, Battle of the Bands! Over the past few months, the top two bands in Vanhoover have been locked in a battle to see who will be the number one band in the city! Following Monday's performances at the Vanhoover Music Festival, a vote was held to determine which band's show the city liked more! Tonight, they crown the winner, and we have a live feed ready for you all!" The mare gives a nod. "Looks like they're about to start! Let's patch you guys in!"
The camera cuts to a shot from inside the Glorian Amphitheater in Vanhoover. Atop the stage, two bands stand on opposite sides. On the right, the reigning, number one band in the city, Attack on Mango. On the left, the challenging, number two band, Dragonautica. Behind each band hangs a large screen, displaying the band's logo. In between the two stands a stallion in a bright purple sequin suit, with a slick, black pompadour hairstyle. The camera begins to zoom before seamlessly cutting to a close up of the host. "Good evening Vanhoover! It's been a wild 3 months, but we finally have our winner! Back in May, Dragonautica issued a challenge for the spot of number 1 band in the city! If they won, they would not only take the top spot from Attack on Mango, but force them to disband entirely! 3 months, and 5 challenges later, it's time for us to announce the winner!" The host pauses, allowing the crowd to cheer for a few moments. "Looks like you're all pretty excited! So let's not keep everyone waiting!"
The host then produces an envelope from his suit pocket, and holds it above his head. "Monday, these two bands competed at the Vanhoover Music Festival! Yesterday, you all voted on the best performance! In this envelope, I have the results of that poll! The winner of the poll will win the battle of the bands, and the number one spot on the city's music charts!" Another pause to allow for cheers.
The host slowly, and deliberately begins to open the envelope.
"You winner, of the battle of the bands, and THE number one band in the city..."
An anxious silence falls over the amphitheater. The camera feed cuts twice. Showing close ups of each band as they wait for the results of the announcement. The camera then cuts back to a shot of the full stage.
The tension within the amphitheater can be felt through the TV screens it's being broadcast to.
"Attack on Mango!"
The crowd erupts into a roaring cheer. The camera zooms in on the band, just in time to catch their eyes going wide with surprise. Then, Nar tilts his head back, and throws his fists up into the air. The screamed "Yeaaaaaaaaah!" he utters is audible over the roar of the crowd. Beside him, Juno begins to pump his fist into the air rapidly while letting out an excited scream. Ruby lets out a loud "Wooooooo!" and whips her head around while jumping back and forth. Asuka throws her arms into the air, and jumps towards her brother. He catches her in the air, and the two hug while Nar spins her around a few times. After setting her down, the two continue their hug for a few moments. Then, the hug is released, and Nar turns towards Juno. The two almost slam into each other in the process of going for a hug. They hardily pat each other's backs, while Ruby, and Asuka grab each other's hands, and jump up and down.
The feed then cuts back to the shot of the whole stage. On the left, Dragonautica claps, and cheers. Well, everyone except for Noxian. He just walks off stage, flipping Attack on Mango the bird. The host then approaches Attack on Mango, stopping his own clapping as he approaches so he can speak into his microphone. The camera zooms in to follow him. "Congratulations Attack on Mango! Not only have you won the battle of the bands, but you've cemented your spot atop the Vanhoover music charts! Do you have any words for your fans?"
Upon being prompted, Nar breaks his hug from Juno. He keeps one arm around his best friend's shoulder, while using his free arm to grab hold of the microphone, and lean into it. "First off, we wanna thank everyone who's supported us through all these years! Not just during the battle of the bands, but all throughout out time as a band! All our friends, and family who believed in us from the very beginning!" He then waves towards a camera, with a massive smile atop his face. "Especially our mom, and dad! We wouldn't be where we are now without them being there for us every step of the way!" Nar then turns to look over towards the left side of the stage. "And let's give a big hand to Dragonautica for putting up such an awesome fight! They helped make this battle as historic as it was!" He then motions for the others to come over. A few seconds later, the members of Dragonautica, sans Noxian, enter the shot. The two bands then mix together, and wrap their arms over each other's shoulders.
Ryuji leans into the microphone, and with an excited voice, he begins to speak. "We had a hell of a time in the battle! We may have lost, but it was a close battle, and we made some friends along the way!" He then points towards the camera. "Vanhoover! These guys may be the top of the charts here, but the only way for them to go is up! Let's keep supporting them, and cheering them on the whole way! They're gonna show the world just what this city has to offer, so let's keep them motivated, and cheer 'em on!"
The host allows the camera crews to capture the two bands celebrating together for a solid 30 seconds before he finally leans back in towards Nar. "So! How do you guys plan to celebrate?!" The response is a shout from all of the members of Attack on Mango, in unison. "Tex-mex!"
The camera feed begins to zoom out, until it slowly fades back to a shot of the Equestria Tonight studio. Behind the desk, the two hosts sport genuine, warm smiles. It takes a moment before they appear to register that they're back on the air. With a deep breath, Andromeda begins. "What an exciting end to a prolific battle of the bands for the city!" Solar Flare gives a nod, and adds "Very! We look forward to seeing Attack on Mango's journey towards the top of the Equestrian charts! Who knows? They might even reach the world charts some day!" Then, back to Andromeda. "While Attack on Mango celebrates their victory, let's take a moment, and get a word from our sponsors!"
Post in: Lore
band, battle, television
4 people like this.
If it wasn't for Rosa holding her back, Camille would have bolted onto the stage the instant the winners were called out! Hell, they could probably hear her skrees and yells! Plenty of, "Aunty Asuka! Aunty Asuka! Eeee, Yaaayyy!"
Rosa was actually struggling.